Picking up my bun?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
Bothell, Washington, USA
Hey Everyone,

So I have had my bun almost two weeks now and have adjusted to letting him use a ramp to get in and out of his cage but I still like to pick him up and pet him when he is out and about playing. Is this bad, I want to bond with my bun and be able to get some affection but is picking him up not what he wants? I am not sure how best to spend my time with him, without annoying him, I want him to be happy but love me :)
The very best way to bond with your bunny is to lay on the floor and talk to him. He will likely be curious about you and sniff and nudge you. Some bunnies hate to be picked up and cuddled, and some don't mind it as much. A good resource to look at is the Bonding With Your Bunny topic in ( I think ) the behavior area of this forum.

And remember, it can take a bunny several months to be fully comfortable with you. Good luck!
I am a firm believer that you should handle your bun. He will get used to it in time and will actually start to look forward to getting held & snuggled. It is a process, however, so just pick him up a little bit more each day to get him used to your touch. You may also try to give him a treat (like a cheerio or something) while he is in your arms so he starts to associate being held with something positive. And over time you can slowly wean out the treat when he is being held- its all an act of conditioning. Also, as already stated, play on the floor with him and touch & pet him often- he will bond with you in no time.
Have fun with your new bun!
I totally agree with Dandelion. The more you handle an animal, the more accustomed to handling they will become. The younger he is when you start frequent handling, the more likely he will adapt to it and enjoy it. Offering a treat while you handle is also a great idea, as he may grow to look forward to your handling. But don't be surprised if he is too afraid to eat it at first. With time, he will most likely lose his fear and relax enough to enjoy the snack...and maybe even the snuggling. This is how I have tamed our rabbits, chickens, and cats.
Every day our buns get a papya enzyme tablet since Houdini is angora so hair is always a concern. I snuggle each rabbit and then give them their tablet as a treat. It's sweet so they gobble it up, I just don't tell them it's good for them. :) This way they enjoy the cuddle more and I know that each individual got their tablet. Now I just shake the bottle and they come to me to be picked up.
Evidently some people do it regularly, but I've never done it. I just look at them when I do the usual grooming, and if all is well (and it always has been), I leave well enough alone.