Photos for m.e.

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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2004
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, , USA
Okay, here you go!I didn't want to overload the other thread with pictures of teenagersif other people didn't want to look at them! :pMost of theseare "my kids" that graduated last May. The ones that my second son grewup with and they were like my other children. I spent a lot of time intears last year knowing they were all "going away"! But I took, lotsand lots of pictures and spent extra time with them! Hope you enjoy!Sorry some of them are so large, I'm still getting my new computer setup and I found my photo cd's but I don't have any graphics softwareloaded yet...













Those are great! Those kids are sooo lucky to have someone like you :D
I never mindtalking about my kids! :)This photo is a year old. The kidsare 23, 19, 18, 17 and 7. Needless to say, we have a wide variety oftypes and agesof "my other kids" that hang out with us!



You know, it hit me, 5 kids! :shock:Howdid you handle it? Of course, 4 would have been older by the timeSebastians little girl came along, but still!

I really don't know how people do it, my aunt has 5 boys ages 8, 6, 5, 2, and 1 and I can't figure out how she does it!

Just thinking about that many kids makes me tired, lol. :p
A very good looking family. Quite anage differance between the first 4 and the lastone. How did the older kids deal with it?My youngest wants me to have another. I keep telling him thatI don't want to do that again. I like sleeping through thenight and not having to take luggage with me everywhere and the earaches that make them cry until you finally figure out what iswrong!!

I enjoyed my kids as babies but I don't want to do it all overagain. Some times I miss them being that small but another8-10 years I may have grandbabies to spoil and enjoy :D. Ican send them home when I want. LOL

Our baby was asurprise! :shock:She also was the only one that was both ofours, so she was the glue that made all of us "us" forever. It has beena true blessing for us. Our oldest is his, the next one is mine, thenext one is his the next one is mine, the baby is ours....whew....wearsme out just typing it! We blended our family when Bryan, our oldest(the marine)was starting the fourth grade. I hadwanteda baby with my husband but he had been insulindependent diabetic for 11 yearsalready by then and wastoldhe couldn't have any more children. Wedidn'tuse birth control for four years.Sebastian'sLittle Girl was conceived the night our 8 year oldniece died unexpectedly from undiagnosed diabetes. She is our miraclebaby. Throughout her life she has"seen" and"heard"angels.She knows things about many of our loved ones thathave passed on that we've never talked about in her life time. We'vehad a lot of special things happen with her. It's really pretty cool.She has a very beautiful aura about her. They say small children aremore open to things like that because they don't question things likeadults do. Asshe's gotten older the incidents have sloweddown. :(But I know she's special and I believe she has agift. I think someday she will tap back into it. Soon after she wasborn I began having female problems that eventually were diagnosedasovarian cancer.The odds of her being conceivedand born were so slim.....sheis my miracle baby!:)

What a beautiful family of children. Iam amazed that they all mixed in together and seem so happy.Some families have a very hard time doing that. Did hischildren come to live with you? or did they live with theirmom?

Your baby is truly a blessing. I am so happy to know thisstory. It's very cool how things happened. :)
My step childrenlived here every other two weeks for two weeks at a time. Their momworked a job that she had to work 3rd shift every two weeks and thatwas when they lived with us. It was really hard because she had anentirely different parenting style. There were a lot of really roughyears. But we made it through and we are all pretty tight now. Even sheand I get along. I just wrote a check today and gave it to the kids togo buy her a Christmas gift. ;)

That's great! Especially for them! When families seperate and there are real bad issues, it's just not good.

You are truly a sweet person! I wish you lived closer, you seem like someone that I'd like being around :)
Oh, I hope you don't mind me putting this on here, but....... our daughters could play together also! Bo's little girl is 9 :)

I'd have to gorummage through old threads for that photo of you to make sure mymemory wasn't fibbing on me....but it seems to the best of myrecollection, Bo's Little Girl looks an awful lot like her Momma! Thatis a beautiful picture of her! :)I also wish I lived a lotcloser to some of the "bunny folk" on this forum. I've been seriouslythinking of making a person nappinglist....

She looks a bit like me, but I have darker hair.

Thank you, it's from her First Holy Communion. She was pretty excited that day!

Can you imagine the little girls and their bunnies?! They would have so much fun!

One of her little friends has 3 buns. They got them when wedid. They talk and exchange pictures all the timeLOL! Imagine that!?:p

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