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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2008
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Auckland, , New Zealand
Mines not really a phobia but i can faint or have like a heart attack when i c corckroaches.

What do you think is the weirdest phobia?
and whats your phobia?

Prisca :p:pinkbouce:

Im so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry if i offend anyone
i found some cool ones online =]

Ablutophobia: Fear of washing or bathing
Aerophobia: Fear of swallowing air
Ambulophobia: Fear of walking
Anablephobia: Fear of looking up
Anemophobia: Fear of wind
Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers
Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers
Aulophobia: Fear of flutes
Basophobia: Fear of walking
Batophobia: Fear of being close to high buildings
Bibliophobia: Fear of books
Blennophobia: Fear of slime
Cathisophobia: Fear of sitting
Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors
Chaetophobia: Fear of hair
Chionophobia: Fear of snow
Chromatophobia: Fear of colors
Chronophobia: Fear of time
Cibophobia: Fear of food
Clinophobia: Fear of going to bed
Cnidophobia: Fear of string
Dendrophobia: Fear of trees
Dextrophobia: Fear of objects at the right side of the body
Eleutherophobia: Fear of freedom
Eosophobia: Fear of daylight
Epistemophobia: Fear of knowledge
Ergophobia: Fear of work
Ereuthophobia: Fear of the color red

More to come

Oh and im so so so so so sorry if i offend anyone
I don't like heights and I'm not to big on bugs either. I use to be deathly afraid of Thunder Storms but I'm not so bad now.

Needles, the dark, someone breaking into my house while I'm there.

I always have nightmares about someone breaking into my house while I'm there. In my dreams I always escape by jumping out of the window or managing to sneak down the stairs while they are in my Mums room. They always see me, and I run down the street but it feels like I'm running in water and I can't get away. I usually wake up before they catch me, only once have I ever got to 'saftey' by running into someones house.....

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
My ex used to be terrified of frogs. When he cheated on me, I remember my friends consoling me with the plan that they could hide loads of frogs in his bed or something... :dude:

My phobia is crabs, and lobsters. I've gotten a lot better recently, but they still terrify me. I used to have a panic attack if I even saw one on TV, whereas now I can just about look away and it doesn't bother me so much. Can't look at them in real life though..... *shivers*

And OMG that dextrophobia- that could be me too! I really freak out if anyone or anything comes too close to the right-side of me- I just can't stand it. In the car, my mum talks and waves her hand and it's really close to my right hand side, and it just.....bleugh! I have to tell her to move her hand away from me (which works for about 2 seconds.... ) :?
BabyBunnies wrote:
Jen so sorry that ur ex cheated on you what an idiot :grumpy:
Thanks... although don't be! I left him, have a lovely guy now while he's in an unhappy marriage. A better revenge than frogs as well- he was due to be made redundant the same time as me from the same company, and as he'd been there longer he would have got a payout going into 5 figures.... But he handed in his notice like DAYS before they announced the redundancies! So, from what I hear, he didn't get anything! :shock: :biggrin2: (Oh gosh I'm a bad person lol...)

But yeah....majorly sidetracked lol! :?
Bugs: I have mild phobias with them...esp. any kind of beetles. June bugs landing on me - that's a BIG trigger for panic, since they stick to your clothing or get tangled in hair ( son almost keeled over laughing once when a June bug got in my hair and I almost beat myself senseless trying to get the danged thing out). I don't hate beetles or other bugs...will always try and avoid hurting them when I can...but getting one on me freaks me out.

Heights: I have a mild phobia over that...cannot go near ledges of any significant height.

Knives: Another mild phobia. I dislike knives, and will make sure all are put away and out of sight before I go to bed at night. I've have had a couple of very strange dreams where I was killed by someone wielding a knife, so I suspect it's a past life thing.

My one huge phobia is a common one: Public speaking. Ick!!! Being quite shy, the thought of standing in front of a group of people and talking, with all eyes on me, freaks me out to no end. It can trigger panic attacks - cold sweat, nausea, heart pounding wildly, absolute fear). I am okay if in a room of four or five people, and if I am only participating in shared discussion, but if I have to get up and talk...forget it. A few years ago I went on a course for work with three coworkers, and when we got back our director organized a meeting and told each of us to prepare a report on what we'd learned, and she said we would each have to stand up and talk for 10-15 minutes in front of a group of supervisors. Omigosh, I was beyond myself with panic. Thankfully in the end, only one of us had to get up and give a very brief description. I likely would have fainted or thrown up if she'd made me follow through with it.

Batophobia- fear of being close to tall buildings - that would be me to a small sense. I just hate being in a car and then this huge semi comes rolling by and I always think it's gonna fall on me....I guess that would be batophobia. lol.

I have MAJOR arachnophobia (sp?)!! I hate spiders, and pretty much anything that looks lke spiders! I have such a bad case of it, I can sometimes sense a spiders' presence before I see it! :shock:Which I guess that's good cuz at least they don't surprise me! If they do surprise me, i usually scream and run or hide.

I am DEATHLY afraid of heights! Like, I can go on some rides at the fair and be fine, like the Pharaoh's Fury - basically a boat that rocks back and forth, that's fine... I can also go on that ride that shoots you up and then drops you down, I do get scared on that, being up so high and all, but I like that ride. The ride that gets me everytime is the FerrisWheel - no matter how high, I am freaked out when I get on it....but Istill ride it.....Just afew weeks ago we went to the Lewis County fair, and went on this super tallFerris wheel, the round seats, with the pole in the middle. I had my arms wrapped around the pole, and I wouldn't lean back unless we were close to the bottom. My dad wanted to rock it and I prettymuch screamed at him to not and I was so close to crying cuz i was sooscared! Although, I do want to do this one ride that you go up 160ft in the air and free fall (without any ropes,just a harness) into a net below...I'd do that.....

But I will fly in a plane....Idont like ferris wheels, but I will fly in aplane. I guess it's cuz the plane is all inclosed and I feel a sense of security. I dont like heights because falling is what scares me.

Hey Di, I'm with you about the June bugs. Now the ones they have here in Toronto are totally different that the ones in Timmins. Good God the ones in Timmins are BIG UGLY BLACK things. They have these antenna (sp?)that are really long and you are right they do stick toyou. The ones I've seen down here are UGLY BROWN bugs, they only come out in theevening when it starts to get dark. I have also noticed that they are usually around trees, needless to say I stay away from trees.

Emily I agree about the Ferris Wheel. I hate when it stops at the very top, of course I always seemed to be with some dork that wanted to swing the seat. Needless to say I haven't been on one in MANY years.


Hey Di, I'm with you about the June bugs. Now the ones they have here in Toronto are totally different that the ones in Timmins. Good God the ones in Timmins are BIG UGLY BLACK things. They have these antenna (sp?) that are really long and you are right they do stick to you. The ones I've seen down here are UGLY BROWN bugs, they only come out in the evening when it starts to get dark. I have also noticed that they are usually around trees, needless to say I stay away from trees.

Ewwwww! Sounds like the June bugs you had in Timmins are relatives of the ones I grew up with in NS. Well, the ones in NS were reddish, but they too were big ugly suckers, and they swarmed in the hundreds...thick dark masses of them. During the month of June I absolutely refused to step outside after dark as they were everywhere. You'd see them around light standards and porches mostly, but they were also flying around and would land on you if you were walking. (Here's a rather gross story about them evening my dad's Siamese came to the back door and he had something in his mouth. For some reason I thought he was crunching on a bone, so not wanting him to choke, I forced his mouth open....and the contents spewed out: a ginormous wad of chewed-up, ugly-bugger June bugs! lol...I still get shivers thinking about it, and that was well over 35 years ago.)

The June bugs we get here in Ottawa are much smaller than the ones back home; they are probably akin to yours in Toronto. Much smaller reddish bugs (about half the size of what I grew up with) and they don't really swarm. I only see them here and there around trees in the evening, in late May - early June. So yeah, these ones are wimps, but they're still ewww-factor quality. :p Aren't you glad the Timmins June bugs stay there? :) (oh, I used to have relatives in Timmins too! Small world. :D)

Seaweed. Im deathly affraid of it. My mom's boyfriend thought I was just kidding, and we all went to the beach at my cottage.I was laying in the sand and he picked up a handfull of seaweed (theres ALOT there) and threw it on my stomach, I screamed SO loud, that the owner of the campground,(at the other side of the grounds) came out of his house with a riffle. My mom was so mad at him. I cried for like..3 hours.

A week after that me and my brothers girlfriend (the pregnant one) went on a paddle boat in the lake (She gave me a pigggy back ride to the boat because the seaweeds) and we got the paddle boat stuck in a patch of seaweed, and i started to cry because we couldn't paddle and we were starting to go down, she had to jump in fully clothed and get it unhooked.
Really big statues. I've had nightmares that a decapitated head of the Statue of Liberty is following me around New York :craziness

Standing next to this guy also scares me because I'm afraid he'll fall off his stilts and land on me:


I believe his torso actually did fly off in high winds and was seen rolling around Route 40.
Starlight Rabbitry wrote:
I HATE SPIDERS and CLOWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My daughter is SO afraid of clowns... we haven't been to the circus in many, many years! We even have to avoid fairs where there might be clowns.

Sharon, I'm sure she will feel better knowing someone else is too!

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