Batophobia- fear of being close to tall buildings - that would be me to a small sense. I just hate being in a car and then this huge semi comes rolling by and I always think it's gonna fall on me....I guess that would be batophobia. lol.
I have MAJOR arachnophobia (sp?)!! I hate spiders, and pretty much anything that looks lke spiders! I have such a bad case of it, I can sometimes sense a spiders' presence before I see it! :shock:Which I guess that's good cuz at least they don't surprise me! If they do surprise me, i usually scream and run or hide.
I am DEATHLY afraid of heights! Like, I can go on some rides at the fair and be fine, like the Pharaoh's Fury - basically a boat that rocks back and forth, that's fine... I can also go on that ride that shoots you up and then drops you down, I do get scared on that, being up so high and all, but I like that ride. The ride that gets me everytime is the FerrisWheel - no matter how high, I am freaked out when I get on it....but Istill ride it.....Just afew weeks ago we went to the Lewis County fair, and went on this super tallFerris wheel, the round seats, with the pole in the middle. I had my arms wrapped around the pole, and I wouldn't lean back unless we were close to the bottom. My dad wanted to rock it and I prettymuch screamed at him to not and I was so close to crying cuz i was sooscared! Although, I do want to do this one ride that you go up 160ft in the air and free fall (without any ropes,just a harness) into a net below...I'd do that.....
But I will fly in a plane....Idont like ferris wheels, but I will fly in aplane. I guess it's cuz the plane is all inclosed and I feel a sense of security. I dont like heights because falling is what scares me.