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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
Charlie's Avenue, , USA
I'm just wondering if anyone uses it and whatthey think about it. I bought it like a year ago but havn't really usedit and i just came across it:shock:. I know pet stores sellitems that arn't really 'good' for rabbits but say they are, is thattrue about petromalt?
I keepPetromalt in our bunny "Medicinechest". Not all my bunnies like it, but itworks ifyou can get it in them. I do use it with some of my heavilymolting Flemish does... just in case. And several of my bunnyfriends use it with Jersey Woolies and Angoras.
Its thesame as Our Nutri _Cal, does the same thingstimulates eating and gettingthe tummy motivated .
Some experts recommend against using thepetroleum based products on rabbits because it may bind to the blockagein GI stasis. I prefer to use Nutri Cal.

Thanks Pamthats good to know , Ihadnt heard this before , Ilooked at it at the Store andsaid nope its more expensiveand went with the Nutri_ Cal .
Thank you Pam for that bit of Petromalt has been thrown out &
I will purchase Nutri-Cal in the morning. Thanks, again. Charlotte
Is nutri-cal the one with the fish oil init? Is it safe for rabbits? I guess it must be ifeveryone is giving it to their bunnies...:p

kfonz wrote:
Isnutri-cal the one with the fish oil in it? Is it safe forrabbits? I guess it must be if everyone is giving it to theirbunnies...:p


Correct. Like most of the products we use for rabbits, NutriCal is not specifically approved for use in rabbits. I'veused Nutri Cal extensively for GI stasis, for rabbits off their feed,for older rabbit that are not metabolizing their feed well, forstressed rabbits, post-op, and for does that became suddenly ill afterkindling and needed a glucose boost. Nutri Cal is high incomplex B vitamins which helps to stimulate appetite, has vitamin Ewhich I believe is beneficial to the intestinal tract during GI stasisor bacterial infection, has omega fatty acids which are theorized tohelp combat cancer and also contains many other vitamins and minerals.

Remember, that Nutri Cal is very high in calories and not meantto be given as a "snack", a regular supplement orto be givento overweight rabbits.

Where can you find Nutri-cal? Is it with pet supplies, or in the vitamin section?

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