petition to let the muppets stay!

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Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
post a pic of yer muppet friend (or yourself if you is one) if you wants the muppets to be allowed to stay in da bunneh chat!

here's me wif my muppet Nala:


We awl lubs everybun, no matter what de looks like! Wes awl differnt wooking and dats a good fink! Bunnahs are all abouts lub, we don neebs hate here. Pwebs be nice Fraggles. :cry2

Dis is me...iz a muppet! I like chatting wif my muppet friends! My brothers aren't muppets but dey fink Iz a real bun!
KittyKatMe wrote:

Dis is me...iz a muppet! I like chatting wif my muppet friends! My brothers aren't muppets but dey fink Iz a real bun!
you's always been our favoritest baby bunny! you looks kinda wike a baby nala and you is SUPER cute! squee!
I vote no. Muppets are double-dealing, and untrustworthy, and eat behind our backs...

Muppet, you haven't yet paid up.:ponder:
this is wrong petition for that :pssd:

this thread is only for bunns who LIKE da muppets! :pssd:
If you like muppets you can't vote no on dis petition Reuben! :pssd:

I wuv all my muppet fwends. <3 Nala, Muppet, Winston, Daisy, Houdini, Da baby muppet (sowwy I don't know your name :c ), and all da ofer muppets <3 :biggrin:
SOOOSKA, my mom says "Winston is GORGEOUS! be still my beating heart!"
Mom says she still wants a muppet, even though I'm not sure why she'd want any other rabbit when she has ME!
Iz not a muppet, but my bro Adeline (da baby muppet) is. My mom iz a muppet too and my sis. Adeline doesn't like veggies either! I am in the same boat as you, Gaz... I am a whole-hearted YES!!!


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