Peta and Petsmart

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It is absolutely horrible. I live about 20 minutes from the store in CT where one of the abuses happened....I don't shop there....however, makes me want to go buy up all the animals in the back room.

I don't shop there, I go to Petco. I buy filters for my fish tank and for some reason my dog seems to think she is a child...I can't leave the store without buying her a bone or a new toy. Gets expensive after a while......should learn to leave her in the car! lol

That video has ruined my day! That is tragic in itself. All those poor animals :shock:Someone should go and save all the animals, and then burn the whole place down. What sick beeps people are!

Im so angry now! :X
:bigtears:This is horrible, too bad that Peta kills animals too. Perfectly adoptable animals and throws their bodies away like garbage. When ANYONE hurts, abuses, or kills animals it is wrong, but it seems that Peta makes a big deal about it, and then does the same thing. Threatening shelter employees, when theyhave to euthenize animals, but Peta kills 90% of the animals that they take in. They also love that "gross out" tactic of grabbing peoples attention. I am not anti-animal, by NO means, but I am anti-Peta. Here is why... http://www.petakillsanimals<WBR>.com]http://www.petakillsanimal<WBR>[/url]

Anyway, I saw some rabbits at the pet store where I got my TinkleBunny, there were about 6 of them, I wanted to adopt all of them, and save them. They didn&#39;t look sick, and the staff takes care of all the animals there, I just wonder what happens to the bunnies if they don&#39;t get adopted. That and who is adopting these bunnies. The cage is always surrounded by parents and little kids. The poor babies were snuggled together and were very cute, and sad at the same time. My BF wanted to save the puppies there. :rollseyesThat&#39;s why I love him.

Sorry about the Peta rant, it is honestly something I feel verySTRONGLY about and most people who love animals support Peta, and don&#39;t know their dirty truth.

I was just hearing about that site.

Edit: This is posted by someone in one of my rabbit groups.

You should do a little research into the group that sponsors this website that is so critical of PETA.

They are a group of activists who are ANTI-animal Rights. Yeah. They are actively seeking to discredit PETA and any other animal-rights groups.

They run five ,multi-page web-sites, all devoted to discrediting PETA and encouraging the defeat of humane legislation.

They also want you to believe that the mercury levels established by the FDA are BS, we should eat MORE swordfish, the fishing industries are in fine shape (not at all over-fished or in danger) and everything in the ocean is peachy.

These site promote Live Animal TESTing, too.Have a look at their sister-site:<WBR>]<WBR>[/url] Their sitealso maintains[url="][color=#247cd4[b"]<WBR>/articles/cancerproject.htm]<WBR>http://www<WBR><WBR>/cancerproject.htm[<WBR>/url][b[/url]], which is filled withgross generalisations, faulty data andmisrepresentations.[<WBR>/b][/color]

As with all of this Group&#39;s "journalism", no sources are cited, no resources are named, none of their "facts" can be verified. The authorsarenever named.

Gee, sounds like "propaganda" to me. And not worth reading.
search they promote alot of bad stuff.
Also posted by someone during this conversation.

The workers, BTW, were fired by PETA for dumping the bodies that way.

That awful shelter was using cruel, outdated make shift gas chambers so the workers had to sneak the animals off the property to euthanize them humanely. They showed pictures of the shelter and the rusty tin boxes they were using to euthanize the animals in the Animal Timees magazine. It was awful.
Oh really? I didn&#39;t know that. But of course I didn&#39;t do any research. I suppose that if they have to die, then the alternative of rusty tin boxes is the way to go. Those workers just didn&#39;t go by doing it in any way proper.
I don't want to get into an argument with ThePeta Lovers out there, I just don't like them (PETA, that is). I thinkthat they are hypocrits for more than a dozen reasons. I just thinkthat there are a lot of people out there that don't realize what Petareally does. They give them money and support, not knowing that Petathinks that owning a pet is wrong. And their "gross out" tactics reallybother me. The website I provided is not the only place I have heardabout Peta's wrong doings. I am sure that your hearts are in the rightplace. I even tried to support Peta a few years ago, but donating someof the prceeds from my toy dogs. I'll leave it at that.

Yeah, I think everybody's on the same page here.

PETA was and is well organized and a formidable supporter of animals inmany respects, buttheir under-publicized true agenda ofeliminating animals as pets under the banner of 'animalrights'lost me a few years ago.

The final nail in the coffin for me was when an old gentleman showed upat their headquarters in tears with a pet bunny he could no longer carefor, they promised him they'dfind the bunny a home, then tookit in the back and euthanized the poor thing within minutes.:(

I'm surprised and disappointed the fraud charges didn'tstick. I was also hoping the trial would be more contentiousso thepublicity would once and for all make it clear whatthis organization is all about. PETA can afford thebest lawyers, though, I suspect this is how they wanted it to playout.

I do fear for the future of animal rights when PETA goes down,though. Animal activists have been overly abrasive, they'vegenerated a community of haters who are turning the tables and pushingthrough legislation to handcuff the activists.PETA, right or wrong, were at least strong enough in terms of fundingand support tocarry abig stick. Withoutthe support of pet owners, they won't have the clout, and there'snobody waiting in the wings to take over. The rest of the'industry', from what I've been seeing, fullof disorganized,combative, backbitingbleeding hearts (that partis agood thing)who are great for individual rescues but terriblefor lobbying efforts requiring a more reservedprofessionalism.

sas :soapbox
Sorry if you felt that I was directing it atyou, Binkies. It isn't that way at all. You got the article off of thePeta website, that is what got me started. ;)

Very well put Sas. It is hard having a rabbit, which is one of the mostmisunderstood and easily neglected animals, and saying that you don'tsupport Peta. Especially when you tell people that you love animals,they can't understand the difference.:huh

I am just glad that no one thinks that I am trying to be an a**hole. :biggrin:

The acts of Petsmart are horrible and unforgivable. I shop at Petsmartin my area, they seem to take good care of the small animals there. Butyou can bet I will be keeping an eye on them, to make sure it staysthat way.

Starina wrote:
Sorry if you felt that I was directing it at you, Binkies.It isn't that way at all. You got the article off of the Peta website,that is what got me started. ;)

Ok. But technically, the article was from Yahoo. They linked the site.

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