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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Blah~Central, Illinois, USA
First off, I just want to say how funny I thinkyou are! Meaning, the captions w/ the pics ofPebbles. Too funny! The dog in the rabbit cage, funny!

Secondly, Haley sent me the thread of you showing us your litter boxset up w/ the yarn canvas on top and I have to say, that is justbrilliance! I went and got one today at a craftstore-$1.00!! I will be cleaning cage tonight, since mySnuffles seems to want to dig out this litter and it's all over thecage. I'll update as soon as I see how it's going.I'm so excited to try it. So, thanks Haley for showing me thethread and thank you pet_bunny for the idea and the laughs.Please keep em coming! :bow
Who.... Me?


Rainbows! :D
Tooooo cute!! I have to say, I thinkit's very commendable what you have done and do for that sweet bun ofyours! How did you find out about her being at the vets to beeuthanized? Who were these meanies? When youcelebrate her birhday, is it for when you got her, or how do you knowher age? Just curious.
Im glad you bought this up!

Ive always wanted to say how much I envy pet_bunny but was unknown how to say it.

Pebbles is just the most adorable bunnie I have ever seen! Ilove seeing the photos of her with captions aswell! They goso well together.

Its so obvious how much you love your Pebbles :D& notforgetting Desmond! Its like Pebbles comes first ineverything. For instants the doggy in the rabbit cage:DSo cute! She is the luckiest bunny out!
Snuffles wrote:
How did you find out about her? When you celebrateher birhday, is it for when you got her, or how do you know herage?
Iwasdoingmy researchon the Vets in myarea.Just by chance, I walkedin one Clinic, andtold the receptionist that Iwasplanningto get arabbit and asking if the Doctorwas rabbit - savy. It justhappened that they had a sickbunny in the back, and the Doctor cameout to meet me. The Doctor toldme that someone brought asickpregnant bunny inand wanted it euthanized, sothey can get a refund froma Pet Shop.:shock:They didn't want to payfor any treatments, so theyleft the bunny there and the Doctor keptit. It must of being1 or 2 days after the surgery whenI walked in inquiringabout rabbits. Talk about Fate.

It was a few daysafterthat (November 23), when theyreleased Pebbles to me,and I remembered theDoctor said Pebbles wasabout 5 months old, so I backdatedto June23 astheclosestactual Birthday. :D

Rainbows! :)
Hey, Linz, if you look back in his thread inBlogs, he says she was pregnant, they did a c-section and there wasonly one baby, it was still born, and was almost as big as her, if I amremembering right. That part is sad, but the rest is just amiracle.
Linz_1987 wrote:
Pebbles is just the most adorable bunnie I have everseen! I love seeing the photos of her with captionsaswell! They go so well together.

Thanks Linz. Here's another one. :D



Did I just Yawned? :yawn:

Rainbows! :D