Pet quality rabbit show...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
Kansas City, KS
at work we are hosting a seminar about purina rabbit feed and rabbit health and care for anyone who wants to come

i was talkin to th woman who is putting this on and mentioned a possible rabbit show...if we can get a judge to come in and im assumin it will b a entirely tiny turn out but if we got kids to bring up their buns and get them educated about rabbit care then hold like a pet quality rabbit show i think it would be nice business for us and b agood time to educate kids on rabbits a bit more...

just a thought, but itd be neat to have a hrs member come talk to about rabbits

This year I'm doing a "Rabbit Bowl" game at "rabbit school" this year with the flashcards from my website as well as a coat color presentation.

Disease presentations are also popular.

I'm trying to think of ways to get people to come...Maybe if we offered prizes and games and some fun things it would help get kids there.

Have you heard of doing anything like a rabbit show for pet rabbits??

Any ideas you may have that you could through out I would appreciate...
4-H shows often have pet rabbit classes (I judge those classes on the health, grooming, and disposition of the rabbit). Costume classes are also popular.

Chinese auctions and prize drawings are often done at rabbit schools/shows. We also have coloring contests and breed id contensts.
thanks :) i mentioned some of those ideas to the woman cordinating this

just curious, how the the pet rabbit class work exactly?

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