Pesticides On The Lawn!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Maintenence says our lawn will be pet safe aftera few days, but I doubt they are considering grass-eating rabbits! I'mgoing to water the grass like crazy tomorrow, but will it EVER be safefor the buns to grazeagain?
I wish I knew the answer to your question, but Idon't... I just wanted to tell you that I love your avatarpic! Huzzah, GFP bunny! :D
Honestly, I wouldn't risk it :?
Some pesticides are safe after drying, howeveryou need to contact the manufacturer to get accurateinformation. Find out the brand of pesticide that was usedand who applied it (the maintenance man or a company). If acompany was contracted to spray the grass, they will have info on thepesticide. If at the very least, you find out what was usedon the grass, an internet search can bedone for more info.

Anyone have suggestions on getting rid ofants? I want to use that powder you sprinkle on thehole. I wouldn't go near the bunny's run, but I am guessing awind could carry some of that powder to my buns...

Anyone ever had to get rid of ants near your bunny's run?


I don't have a CLUE what this stuff is. This isa rented duplex, and while I am almost positive "caged pets" are okay,cats and dogs are not allowed so I'm hesitant to ask. Do you have anyideas for "reasons" why I'm asking? You see, I live in a rented duplexallows one cat..but I did not ask, nor do I intend to ask, if rabbitsare okay. Perhaps I "feed the wildlife"? and that is why I want to knowthe name of the weed killer? That is perhaps, a little transparent. :/
Kricket wrote:
Anyone have suggestions on getting rid of ants? Iwant to use that powder you sprinkle on the hole. I wouldn'tgo near the bunny's run, but I am guessing a wind could carry some ofthat powder to my buns...

Anyone ever had to get rid of ants near your bunny's run?


I don't know the answer to this question, but themaintenance guys used some sort of white powder last year for the ants,and it did -nothing!- The ants live! (And continue to occupy our lawn.)
Grrrr...ants are the WORST!! The antson my lawn are HUGE!! They need leashes. They arelike small puppies. :X
This is what youtell the maitenence man companyor whom ever ," I am highly sensative tochemicals and need to know whatyou spray the lawn withso I dont have a reaction , "use your exsisting or non exsistingallergies as an excuse , They HAVE totell you .

For Ants, Boric acid, and or usedCoffee grounds , are safe . Boricacid you can get ina Pharmacy , Personally becauseof cost I would useCoffee grounds much cheaperand you get the benifitof the cafiene buzz to boot ,

The chemicals in Coffee grounds areunwelcomed in the any comuntity , not tomention they hate walking on itor crossing over it , Make a circle aroundthe nest 1 ft from the entry ofthe nest and put somestraigt down the holealso , they should vacate ina week or less , but the keyis you must keep at it ,If you drink coffeesave up al the grounds till youhave a goodly amount that will go around andin hte whole thenrepat every week till they moveon to someone elses yard.
Ah! Alergies! I LIKE that! When I startedreading your post, it looked like you were going to say I eat thegrass, and could be alergic to the chemicals lol. Great idea with thecoffee grounds too! I'm going to try that in a little bit.
LMAO!!!!! thats too funny you eating the grass ,what a visual lol . when in doubt about chemicals and your rabbitalways use allergies as the culprit.
They use "Timec" and occasionally "Roundup" butmaintenance says it is most likely Timec since it's being applied to anentire lawn. It should be safefor pets after drying, but Idon't know if that means it's "edible."

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