Persuading Parents

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2007
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Nelson, , New Zealand
Okay, I really want the bunnies inside mainly so they are safer and to keep them out of this weather. Its raining like 10000000000000000 drops a second they have their cover on but still get damp and stuff. Back to the point mum says no theyre outside animals and if i even try to tell her more reasons she just shushes me and walks away. Does any one have any ideas on how to persuade her???
If your parents are anything like mine, the answer will always be no until you move out. There will be no persuading.

I am very experienced in this matter. :);)

I managed to convince my parents to let Maddie move inside last year, however, at that time Ebony was bonded to Pebble (binky free :() so I didn't try so much getting them in. Now she won't let Ebony in so poor thing is stuck outside herself. But I'm working on it. :D

Annoy them. A LOT.

Cry. A LOT. :p

Make them feel guilty, how it's unfair on the buns, how it upsets you so much etc etc.

That's my tactic anyway.

You could also go the helpful way - promise to do this, this and this, if they allow them to come in, things like that.

Try and get a temporary thing going, that's my aim right now. Say a week trial so she can see it's ok. While they are in clean the cage every half hour to make sure they have nothing to complain about, lol. :D
Present to them where you would put the rabbits. Come up with a way to prevent damage to ANYTHING inside: the floor, furniture, etc.
My mom's big concern was the floor. We have the cages on top of a piece of wallboard that is on top of the floor so the floor doesn't get any water, urine, food, etc. on it.
While I don't have parents to persuade.. I did have a husband, and I must say he broke down rather easily. I have to agree with Michaela & Missy - while pestering is a very good idea :)also showing them a good plan like Missy suggested of how you will make sure nothing will get wrecked and that their house & the buns will be safe, andwhere you will put the buns, etc. might help tremendously. Good Luck!
If you have trouble keeping your room clean, tell them it will help because if you don't have your room clean and your bunny is running around it all your stuff will get nibbled on. And, as Missy said, have a plan. Use the foot in door technique and try to get your parents to let you have them in "just while it is raining" then show them how happy they are to be inside. Make a place for them to be inside while it is raining. Then be like "Oh, it is dangerous mostly at nights and they get scared. Can I please have them inside only at night..." so on and so forth. Ronnie was an outdoor bunny, and "if we ever had him inside then we would have to get rid of him" my dad said, but now he is inside and bonded with Skye, lol. However, make sure to get your parents permission, don't just sneak them inside. If you do you will make them annoyed at you for disobeying them and it will stregthen their position.

Ronnie is a master at the foot in door, or window as it may be, technique.





I know what you are going through, my mom was like that with BunBun.

1. Can you give me more details of WHY your buns can't be inside? "Becasue rabbits are outside animals" is not an answer.
a. After you read this, go to your mom/dad and ask "why can't the rabbits be inside"? (Now, I know your mom sounds stubborn, so continue reading.)
b. And if they give you that "Rabbits are outside animals" crap, give them the o'l "If they can't be inside, don't I at least get to know WHY? Maybe there is something I can do?"
c. If they still continue that crap, explain to them that "WILD RABBITS" are outdoor animals. However, make it clear your buns are NOT wild rabbits, they are "DOMESTIC RABBITS", and that there is a HUGE difference. (Which, by the way, I think there is. If my mom forced BunBun outside in a hutch or tried to get me to "release" BunBun... I'd take him and all my animals and live with my dad in Philly untill my mom appoligized and worked it out.)

See if their excuse matches any of these common issues with me:

2. EVERY parent has an excuse. My mom's was "Rabbit are smelly and bad", and mostly on "responsibility".
(We had had a bad experiance with pet rabbits, you see. She can't seem to get over the fact that I WAS SEVEN. I didn't CARE about rabbit, nor know anything about them! I just wanted the "cute and fluffy" animals. I still, to this day, kick myself for being so ignorant and stupid. Never again.)
a. Smell-
1. Tell them rabbits are NOT smelly if properly cared for. Print off a liter training sheet if nessary.
b. behaviour
1. tell them rabbits are trainable. They can use the litterbox, and are actually lovely compainions. They can actually help with depression and other health issues.
c. responsibility
1. Another huge issue. Show them you are responsible- volunteer at a shelter, do more research (even if you allready know everything)... Show them you DO care, and that YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT THIS. I can't stress that enough. If parents don't know you are 100% SERIOUS about a pet, "NO" will be the answer every time.
d. cage
1. Maybe you can't afford a cage? if you have a HUGE outdoor hutch, offer to pay for a smaller, house-friendly one. If you have no money, tell them you'll pay them off. If you can only afford a small cage, do what I did- save up and buy some NICs! Make an extention! See what I mean?
I think a major issue is that YOU care, but THEY don't.
Get them to care!
Get them to join Rabbits Online. Let them talk to the people here. Let them read about rabbits and partake in conversations regarding them.
Have them interact with the rabbits more. Perhaps if they like them more, they'd be more leniant on having them closer to them.
By the way, show them you are responsible in the way of CARE, not just knowlege. Assure him or her YOU'LL be caring for your babies, NOT them. (I'm sure you won't have problems with this. you seem like a responsible person.)

of course, this is what I went by when I was convincing my mom to let me get a rabbit. You've had your buns for a while, so it may be different. I'd reccomend a lot of what the others are saying, they are excelent ideas.

I'll be checking back!

~Xila (Best of luck!)
Well, although I haven't managed to get the OK for Millie to move in yet, I am getting there - so here are my tips.:p

1) Be mature about it, unfortunately if you get upset/angry your parents will most likely refuse to listen to you.:grumpy:

2)Show them how amazingrabbits are by making them (sometimes unwillingly:p) spend time with your rabbits.

3) Find excuses to bring your rabbits in for short play sessions (my excuse was 'can you keep an eye on Millie for 2 mins while I sort out her hutch';)) then slowly increase the amount of time they spend in (Millie has gone from being in around 2 minutes to being in about 6 hours:whistling )

4) Drop hints here and there about why they would love to live inside/how much easier it would be etc without directly asking (as that gives them the opportunity to say no).

5) Show them how much rabbits love being inside. I always moan about having to disturb Millie (who is usually asleep on the floor looking very cute;)) to take her back outside. That one always makes them feel guilty.;)

Good luck!! I feel like I'm nearly there with Millie, as I am going on holiday with one of my friends at easter so I was asking my mum if she would take care of Millie while I was away and she jokingly said "I think she'll scratch my arms off if I'm bringing her in all the time, maybe I'll just have her living in the house for that week!" :biggrin2:
Ask your parents if you can have 1 day to show them, On day to bring your bun inside, and while inside makesure she stays good, but dont fallow her EVERYWHERE. Because if you are aloud ot have her in permanent your not going to fallow her everywhere all the time. Just keep an eye on her
:biggrin2:WOW thanks everyone for all this info, its great. WHile she likes them she will pat them and sometimes hold them. "They are not i repeat NOT allowed on the carpet" thats a quote from her by the way lol as Pep pees an poops on the carpet and doesnt seem litter trainable?? Letters seem to work for her (thats how I got Ohlly my birdy) so i'll write everthing down for her. I couldnt get her on rabbits online as for 1 im not meant to be on here as apparently there are dodgy people evrywhere....why do we have moderators!!?? but she lets me go on bebo which is 10000000000000million times more dodgy. As shes at the hairdressers i have the time to write her letter/s. So Thank You everybody very very much:biggrin2:
:biggrin2:WOW thanks everyone for all this info, its great. WHile she likes them she will pat them and sometimes hold them. "They are not i repeat NOT allowed on the carpet" thats a quote from her by the way lol as Pep pees an poops on the carpet and doesnt seem litter trainable?? Letters seem to work for her (thats how I got Ohlly my birdy) so i'll write everthing down for her. I couldnt get her on rabbits online as for 1 im not meant to be on here as apparently there are dodgy people evrywhere....why do we have moderators!!?? but she lets me go on bebo which is 10000000000000million times more dodgy. As shes at the hairdressers i have the time to write her letter/s. So Thank You everybody very very much:biggrin2:

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