Pepper and Dotty (the new lop)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Bedfordshire, , United Kingdom
Hello again! I am pleased to say i am still here and happy! :DAlthough some ppl might not agree with it.

I have booked in my two rabbits to get spayed on Wednesday. I hear ittakes a week for the operation to really work, so i will have to startintroducing them together again after that. Hopefully they will get onlike best mates. In the mean time I am leaving theircages/hutch next to each other so they have no choice but tosee each other. I can really see the progress, they havent beenfighting through the bars since. Although when I let Dotty out in thegarden for a run Pepper doesnt really like it and wont settle. But itis definetly getting better all the time. So fingers crossed thespaying will work! It is definetly costing alot so i do hope it does!lol. Thank you guys!
Hi Linz !

That's some good news.

It takes longer than a week for you and try introducing themtogether. It takes about 3-4wks, maybe longer, before you canput the male in with the female, or vise versa.

I would say, just to be on the safe side, leave your buns apart forabout 6wks after the operation, just to be sure that, there will be noaccidents.

Fingers crossed for the ops, and please lets us know, how it went, and how the buns are doing.

The bunnies! They were grooming eachother and was really friendly, until the lop tryed to start matingPepper to be the top rabbit. Now they both sit different sides of thekitchen, and if Dotty goes towards Pepper on her side Pepper trys tofight with Dotty. I might have to try a different room to introducethem in after the spaying, as they have now got a side of the kitchento themselves and think its their terriotry.


You are trying to link directly from yourcomputer. You can't do that. Upload them to and thenlink them from there.
If you look at "My old bunnies pictures!" by me,then you will see some otherpictures i have copyed andpasted? because people have replyed to the pictures and said how theyliked them.?
She is the one that keeps trying to hump Pepper.But once she has successfully humped her for quite some time, and getsoff her, Pepper trys to bite Dotties nose, and Dotty runs off. Peppernever trys to mate Dotty. Does this mean Dotty is more likely to be topbun? Or do different rabbits show domiance in different ways? i.ebiting Dotties nose?
LOL when I opened up your picture I thought OMGshe has a pic of my rabbit Cleo! They look almost identical except Cleohas smaller ears. Cleo's eyes are a lavender blue
LOL wow! thats so cool :D! She looks cute with small ears.

Thankyou, daisynbuster for the help! I am reading through therabbitnetwork site, and the stuff i am reading sounds very promising!My bunnies are both showing the gud signs, and producing progress. Ireally cant wait until they can sleep in the same hutch and spend playtime together in the garden.

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