Well-Known Member
Hello again! I am pleased to say i am still here and happy! Although some ppl might not agree with it.
I have booked in my two rabbits to get spayed on Wednesday. I hear ittakes a week for the operation to really work, so i will have to startintroducing them together again after that. Hopefully they will get onlike best mates. In the mean time I am leaving theircages/hutch next to each other so they have no choice but tosee each other. I can really see the progress, they havent beenfighting through the bars since. Although when I let Dotty out in thegarden for a run Pepper doesnt really like it and wont settle. But itis definetly getting better all the time. So fingers crossed thespaying will work! It is definetly costing alot so i do hope it does!lol. Thank you guys!
I have booked in my two rabbits to get spayed on Wednesday. I hear ittakes a week for the operation to really work, so i will have to startintroducing them together again after that. Hopefully they will get onlike best mates. In the mean time I am leaving theircages/hutch next to each other so they have no choice but tosee each other. I can really see the progress, they havent beenfighting through the bars since. Although when I let Dotty out in thegarden for a run Pepper doesnt really like it and wont settle. But itis definetly getting better all the time. So fingers crossed thespaying will work! It is definetly costing alot so i do hope it does!lol. Thank you guys!