Penis infection?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2009
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My broken black polish mix who weighs about 5 pounds though he is about a pound overweight (not purebred but still flabby)

He is almost 3 years.

Last Wednesday I noticed he was getting urine scald. He has had this before so I sprayed his bottom with prescription spray.

Today I decided to give him a but bath and once everything was clean I notice his penis was very inflamed and hot to the touch. I don't know if it was the bath soap that didi it but I've used this bunny soap on my rabbits before and they don't react like this.

I'm taking him to the vet in two hours which is the soonest I can get a ride. Is there anything I can do for him in the time being? I can't stand to see my poor baby like this :cry2:cry2

Extra Note: He is neutered. His poops are normal and he can still have BM. He eats and drinks normally and still likes being touched just not in the area.
How horrible for the little guy.

I think I'd also have come to the same conclusion as you. The fact that it is red, inflammed, and hot to the touch does suggest some kind of infection.

Does he look like he had an injury to that area? Does he have a friend that may have bitten him there? I'd be curious as to what started the infection.

I'm sure your vet will get him on an antibiotic to clear up his problem. I'm sure your soap did not irritate his genitals so that they looked like don't blame yourself. I think the infection was there before you decided to bathe him.

Good luck at the vet and let us know how it goes.
- Location

- Description (Breed, color., weight)

- Age

- spayed/neutered?

- Notes on Fecal and Urinary Output
- are the bunny's poops and pees normal?
- When did they last use their litterbox?
Last Night (but he can still BM)
- Any unusual behavior?
- Medical History -- has s/he been to the vet or been sick before?
Yes. Recovered from Coccidiosis

- Diet - what does your bunny eat?
on restricted diet to loose weight. 1/4 of rabbit pellets a day with timothy hay, and greens
- when and what did s/he eat last?
Less than an hour ago
- movement - any unusual movements? Is s/he hopping normally?

- are there any plants, chocolate or other substances within reach?

- has the rabbit been outdoors?
Yes - Two days ago in rabbit pen

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