Pellets - how much per day?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
Reaction score
, Massachusetts, USA
I have been feeding Tina & Turbo 1/2 cup(avg 1/4 cup per bunny) pellets every morning. Their combined weight isjust over 6lbs. Is that too much? They hardly ever touch their hay butusually eat their greens overnight.
i'm no expert but sounds like the food is notenough, if each of them only weighs 3lbs on average, unless they aredwarfs?

i heard 1/2 cup each day for each rabbit under 5lbs or under 6months ofage. i fed my bun maomaochiu 1/2 cupper day, he is6months old and4.5lbs.

You should check out the Rabbit 101 section on Pellets. Here's a link:

Also, check out the Feeding Your Rabbit section:

Also in that section, here's a great link that states how much pellet food buns should get per age:

Here is a link that says both by age, and by weight:

Hope those help! :)

I'd encourage them to eat more hay, by cuttingback on pellets. You may also find a type of hay they like better. Manybuns don't learn to eat hay because they did not get it when young, butthey need it.
Thank you

I emailed SweetBinks rescue where we adopted them. They said yes its okto cut back to 1/3rd cup total for the 2 dwarf bunnies. I also puttheir hay on the grate of their cage instead of in the trough. Lookslike alot more hay is being eaten!

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