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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bubville, , USA
Baby 1 has a new trick! This morning he wasplayingpeekaboo with me. He came flying out of the box,screeched to a stop in front of me, then skittered back behind momTank. Two seconds later, he comes flying back and repeats the process,this time doing a little baby binkie (just like his daddy!!!!awwww!!)on the way back to mom. He must have gone back andforth about 5 times--you could tell he was having fun. He'd put on thebrakes at the last possible second, usually crashing into my arm.

They are all over me in the morning now, it's like feeding piranhas.All of them except baby 9 can be tranced, some more successfully thanothers. Baby 2 was so "out" that I could make his head bobble. And openhis little mouth. Baby 9's a kicker, I'm still working on that one.

At 4 weeks, they are the size of 8 wk olds and growing fast. One had alop ear yesterday--the ears are so big for the bodies that they fallover. Bunbun had that when he was a baby too, until he finally grewinto his ears.

Anyway, they are all healthy, fat, and adorable. They range in colorfrom auburn to strawberry blonde, with a couple pure "carrots". Babies6 and 2 are the blondes, and are so pretty!


don't remind me! wahhhhh!!!!


P.S. I handpicked the new owners, that's how. lolololol I'll still get to see them.

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