No, he's been doing this for a while, but i'm bout tired of it, so i decided to post a thread.
He does it EVERY time i clean his litter box.
I thought he was blind for a while because how he waves his head around, but i shined a light briefly in his eyes, and he closed his eyes so i assume he can see... hmm..
But I dunno.But healways has a runny nose. He doesn't seem to have any other issuesto go along withthat though, and when we went to the vet a while back they said he seems fine and that the runny nose was from stress.
i had a rat before who had a runny nose and sneezed all the time and that ratlived with another rat that didn't. they were both fine and lived a long happy life. i know rats and rabbits arent the same but yeah..
sabriel seems to be similar to that rat, without the sneezing (he sneezed a while back, but he hasnt sneezed since)..
should i be worried? Dx
sabriel and solara's cages are right next to each other and she hasn't sneezed and her nose isn't runny so i dont think it's something contagious..
he hasn't been acting any different. he's happy and excited to see me, he runs around, he's totally himself. so i don't think he's sick at all.
But now that we're talking bout the peeing, i thought i'd bring this up.
Thank you