Peeing Outta Litter Box

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leo (they/them)
Feb 22, 2010
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I am sooo frustrated. Sabriel has his hay hooked to the side of his cage and he eats it through the bars. His litter box is right under it so he can eat and poop or whatever, but it cant be fully pressed against the wall of the cage because of the shape is more rounded. He is usually pretty good at peeing in the litter box, but he always pees right behind the litter box, on the hay that has fallen. He has to turn his back to the hay so I feel he's doing it on purpose.

How can I get him to stop this?
Has he always done this or is this new? If new, which I assume it is, could be an underlying heath issue going on. Pick up after him best you can to start and see if that helps any. You could also add a litter pan or move the current one. (I'm having the same issue right now bc bun is pretty much blind.)

Best of luck, let us know what you do to try to help the situation and what works. I'm sure you'll get more advice soon.:D
No, he's been doing this for a while, but i'm bout tired of it, so i decided to post a thread.

He does it EVERY time i clean his litter box.

I thought he was blind for a while because how he waves his head around, but i shined a light briefly in his eyes, and he closed his eyes so i assume he can see... hmm..

But I dunno.But healways has a runny nose. He doesn't seem to have any other issuesto go along withthat though, and when we went to the vet a while back they said he seems fine and that the runny nose was from stress.

i had a rat before who had a runny nose and sneezed all the time and that ratlived with another rat that didn't. they were both fine and lived a long happy life. i know rats and rabbits arent the same but yeah..

sabriel seems to be similar to that rat, without the sneezing (he sneezed a while back, but he hasnt sneezed since)..

should i be worried? Dx

sabriel and solara's cages are right next to each other and she hasn't sneezed and her nose isn't runny so i dont think it's something contagious..

he hasn't been acting any different. he's happy and excited to see me, he runs around, he's totally himself. so i don't think he's sick at all.

But now that we're talking bout the peeing, i thought i'd bring this up.

Thank you :)
I've had a friend whose ferret sneezed almost constantly. To the best of my knowledge, Meeko still sneezes. And is healthy besides. I would suggest picking up after him as best you can after every accident. I've litter trained many pets, from cats, to hamsters. I know the havoc of it. My suggestions are:

If he relieving himself on hay, try to pick up the bits of it and put it in the litterbox. If that doesn't seem realistic...
If you have rubber gloves, try to wipe up the mess in a paper towel and wring it out over the litter box.

You want anything to get the urine in the box. So he gets the idea. This could take days of picking up after him every day, or months. And it does get tiring. But it does work. I've done it.

Hope I helped.
ariusshadow wrote:
I've had a friend whose ferret sneezed almost constantly. To the best of my knowledge, Meeko still sneezes. And is healthy besides. I would suggest picking up after him as best you can after every accident. I've litter trained many pets, from cats, to hamsters. I know the havoc of it. My suggestions are:

If he relieving himself on hay, try to pick up the bits of it and put it in the litterbox. If that doesn't seem realistic...
If you have rubber gloves, try to wipe up the mess in a paper towel and wring it out over the litter box.

You want anything to get the urine in the box. So he gets the idea. This could take days of picking up after him every day, or months. And it does get tiring. But it does work. I've done it.

Hope I helped.
I can't pick him up after every accident because i'm either sleeping or not there to see him do it Dx... otherwise i would.

he poops in his litterbox. and pees in it, except for when he pees outta it. cause everytime i clean the litter box, there's pee in it.

but i will try that, thank you!

Like I said, as best as you can. I don't always catch nymh pooping outside of his litterbox. But I correct him every time I see it. He got the urinating down only recently. But he refuses to get all those little brown balls in the darn box. :p Just gotta keep at it, though. Certainly stinks in the meantime. I can sympathize with that. x.x;
I would try getting a bigger litter box.
Do you have a picture of your setup?

My Timmy occasionally pees just outside of his box but I've seen him do it and I know it's not intentional. He gets in the box, munching on his hay, backs up a few steps, still munching, then pees. He thinks he's in the box but it just so happens that his butt is hanging over the edge so he pees out of the box.
Maybe you can try a new litterbox situation?

The last year, I bought those scatterless litter boxes for bunnies, I line the bottom with a plastic bag or wee wee pad and put a thin layer of kitty litter on top. Not only does this keep my buns feets clean but it makes cleanup for me a ton easier. Another thing I think that helps is that because the litter has a scent, they know to go there even after I clean. Since I switched, theyll only pee outside if I forget to change their litter for a few days and they are unhappy - VERY rare.
Yield wrote:
No, he's been doing this for a while, but i'm bout tired of it, so i decided to post a thread.

He does it EVERY time i clean his litter box.

I thought he was blind for a while because how he waves his head around, but i shined a light briefly in his eyes, and he closed his eyes so i assume he can see... hmm..

But I dunno.But healways has a runny nose. He doesn't seem to have any other issuesto go along withthat though, and when we went to the vet a while back they said he seems fine and that the runny nose was from stress.

i had a rat before who had a runny nose and sneezed all the time and that ratlived with another rat that didn't. they were both fine and lived a long happy life. i know rats and rabbits arent the same but yeah..

sabriel seems to be similar to that rat, without the sneezing (he sneezed a while back, but he hasnt sneezed since)..

should i be worried? Dx

sabriel and solara's cages are right next to each other and she hasn't sneezed and her nose isn't runny so i dont think it's something contagious..

he hasn't been acting any different. he's happy and excited to see me, he runs around, he's totally himself. so i don't think he's sick at all.

But now that we're talking bout the peeing, i thought i'd bring this up.

Thank you :)

Snuff does it too everytime I change the litter, so we think he dislikes it. So, I try to keep putting his poos in the litter, and the like. If he pees out, I wipe it up and put that in his litter too.:biggrin: Go back to old school teaching.

Hubby thinks Snuff dislikes the pelleted litter I'm using but, it's pretty much the same as the paper litter pellets I used to use, so not sure on that.;)
A lot of bunnies will pee anywhere there is hay. So there is probably hay on the floor that has fallen, so he thinks it's ok to pee there. Is there a way you can rearrange his cage so he can't get back there? I think that would be the best solution.
Thank you everyone for the tips :)
Taking a picture is a bit troublesome at the moment, but he's got a typical rabbit cage I guess.. from like, Petco.

Plastic bottom, khaki coloured. Green bars. It's attached to a huge pen.. I cut off his access to it at night because he likes to chew the towels covering the hole he chewed iin the bottom of the pen.

Usually the litter box is right under the hay rack, the water to the left (if you're looking at it from the front), the food bowl to the left, and that's where i put his fruit and veggies, and his toys so he can occupy himself at night.I have now switched it so that the litter box is to the left, and his food bowl and such to the right, under the hay. He's been littering poop everywhere now Dx But he still goes in his litterbox.. I have yet to see if he will pee out of it.

I can't put a bag or anything in the litterbox, he'll eat it.

Any tips for toys? He hardly plays with any toys we get him or give him. Same with Solara. They totally ignore them. I dunno why. They have a million!
Bunnies seem to prefer cardboard boxes, phonebooks, and diggy boxes to any pet store toys. If they are being active with those types of toys, then they're telling you those are the toys they want.
My buns love things they can destroy - like phone books, houses they can hide in, tunnels they can run through and things that make noise when they throw them (like plastic cat toys with bells!)

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