Pee stained fur

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Queens, New York, USA
Marshy's fur around her butt is soooo gross. It's impossible to clean because her fur is stained. I've tried dry baths from the petstore and i've tried dishsoap. nothing works. what should i do? have it shaved?? (the staining is from when she was at the petstore for year in a cage.)

We got auto grease off of Rosie with Dawn dishsoap. It worked pretty good on Binkies pee stained feet, too.

Sounds like you've got some tough stains.

Carolyn posted this a while back. I would just be sure to rinse thoughly afterwards, too.

Carolyn wrote:
More methods:

For oily stains, Dawn dishwashing liquid works really well.

Getting bunny feet clean or white fur clean, mix 50/50 white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Dampen the area, then rub in cornstarch until it has the consistency of toothpaste. Let it dry and then brush it out. You might have to do it a time or two for stubborn stains, but it'll take out tattoo ink as well.


Some methods call for using lemon juice in place of the vinegar....again just make sure you rinse Marsh's tushie afterwards so as not to irritate her skin any.

We used a dog-whitening shampoo on our pregnant pooch a while back - I'm sure it would be gentle enough on the bun & would probably help :).

I tried Dawn and I tried vinegar, neither worked.:(

I soaked her, i rubbed her, i soaked again, i used the dry bath after, NOTHING WORKED.

Poor girl was so stressed out. She was so good about it though. My little sweety. I feel so bad for her. I think im gonna have to take her to the vet when I take Tank to have her shaved or something.

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