Just a quick note on why some breeders charge extra for the pedigrees...
Often, breeders' prices vary depending on show/brood/pet quality, with pet prices generally being the lowest. If I have a pet buyer interested in a show/brood rabbit, but only wants the rabbit for a pet, I am will charge the pet price but will not include the pedigree. This is not only because I see no reason to charge extra for what will simply be a pet, but also because I know that while that the rabbit sold will be living as a beloved pet, it will not be used to further a breeding program (thus no "gain" for the buyer).
However, if the buyer is unsure about showing or breeding their pet down the line, then they have the option of paying the regular show/brood price and receiving the pedigree with the rabbit. This is not an outright purchase of the pedigree; it is the buyer paying what the rabbit is worth according to its show/brood quality, and as such, receiving with the purchase the necessary paperwork to further their breeding program (the pedigree). Sometimes when breeders have rabbits that would do well as show/brood animals but are willing to let them go as pets, instead of explaining the whole process, they'll simply advertise them as one price with the ped, and one price without.
That all said, I ONLY do this selling method for brood/show animals being sold as pets, as they have nice enough quality that I would consider selling them as breeding animals in the first place. Pet quality rabbits get birth certificates, but do not come with pedigrees, ever. But yes, definitely include pedigrees with rabbits sold specifically as show/brood animals.
I hope that isn't too confusing; I was a little put-off by comments such as "tacky", "weird" and "unethical" when there is truly a good reason why some breeders will advertise animals as costing extra with the pedigree.