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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Back from the Vet for a check up. This was the vet who fostered Pebbles after Pebbles was left there to be euthanized by her original owners.
It was a good visit as all the staff had to come out to see Pebbles.They couldn't believe how big she got. She's only a Netherland Dwarf.

I'm glad the Doctor showed me how to take a rectal temperature (Thanks Carolyn, that was your suggestion). :dude:

Here she is getting her tummy and organs felt, her fur is good and shiny, her nailsare good and trimmed....


Listening to her heartbeat, a little fast (just nervous)......


Getting her teeth checked....


And her ears checked...


Weighed 2.1 lbs. Have to cutback on the treats.

Temperature 101* F Normal range is 101.4*F to 104* FOne cool bunny

Poops were good......round and lots of fiber.

Pebbles got through it just fine. She peed in her carry box on the way to the vet, peed on the nurse when she got her temperature check, and peed in her box again on the way home. She must be getting lots of water, even though I don't see her drinking much.

She was a little upset when she got home. Must be waiting for her new toy. She ignored me for about a minute and then was licking me again.


R a i n b o w s ! :)................... ( Y )
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.............................................. (") (")

Those pictures are great! Thanks for showing them.

It actually makes me a little nervous about my vet- they didn't do all of this in the pre-spay checkup.
Heh! Not a happy looking little bunny. Very expressive. ;)

Glad she's healthy. :)

And she is looking a bit chubby, I'll have to compare herto Pipp, who's beengetting too many treats, too. (She's not quite an apple with a head, but she's a fleshylittle pear).

When I took her in the other day (for her non-existent sore leg), the vet's scale was broken. They said she weighed .9 kilos when she was spayed a few months ago, which I do believe works out to be two pounds, so she's probablyon par with Pebbles now.Its so hard not to give them their treats!

Mocha looks so little compared to Pebbles. She was 1 lb, 13 oz before her spay, which was a good weight for her. She lost weight after her surgery and has yet to gain it back. I'd like to see the two girls next to each other to see how much of a difference there is.Slightly chubby bun with a skinny bun.
naturestee wrote:
It actually makes me a little nervous about my vet- they didn't do all of this in the pre-spay checkup.
The doctor had an interest in Pebbles, becausePebbles was left there to be euthanized becauseofproblems delivering a oversize stillborn. The doctor saved Pebbles and fosteredher until someone would adopt her. I was the lucky one tobring Pebbles home. Normally a check up takes 40minutes. I was there for about an hour.The Doctor wanted to know everything about Pebbles,and I wanted to know everything aboutkeeping Pebbles healthy. :D Rainbows! :angel:
Pipp wrote:
They said she weighed .9 kilos when she was spayed a few months ago, which I do believe works out to be two pounds, soshe's probablyon par with Pebbles now. Its so hard not to give them their treats!
Pebbles was .90 kilos seven months ago, and todays weight is .95 kilos.

She does look chubby due to her furmoulting, but I got to keep the wife and kids from giving her treats all the time. Lock up the Craisins! :p

Rainbows! :D
Last vet checkup - 2 weeks ago, my bun weighed 1 lb. I think she gained a whole 4 over the last 2 weeks!!
Excellent pictures - look like they should be ina vet magazine!. So glad Pebbles is fit and well, I bet the vet wasreally pleased to see how she is getting along, and how much her Daddyloves her :D. Give her a big kiss from me - I love that little girl!

Very coolphotos!

I love the "story of Pebbles" and how sheis thriving under the love and care of your family. It's also very coolthat the vet still has such an interest in her long term health andhappiness.

Thanks for posting the update and the photos!

And don't you dare cut back too much on that baby's craisins! :X

Aww! She was so good for the Doc.

Way to Go, Pebbles!!


What a cute little bunny. I'm glad to hear she is healthy and well loved with you and your family!

We brought Pebbles in for an annual Check Up, Sept.13/06.


In the waiting room.


I don't want to see the Doctor...


A little introduction, and a nice visit.
The Doctor was so happy to see how well Pebbles was.

And she still mentions that I was the right person to adopt Pebbles.


Her weight was perfect, no comments about being overweight this time.

1.3 Kg / 2 lbs 13 oz.

The Doctor couldn't believe how nice and shiny her fur was.

Body feels good, not too bony.
She just finished her moult a week ago.


Teeth in excellent shape, checked for spurs (none).


Organs feel good.


Heart beat normal.


This is the part Pebbles hates.


Couldn't hold her long enough this time, to get a temperature.
And Pebbles peed on the Doctor again, as she didthe last exam.



Where's my TREATS?
That Pebbles is soooooo cute. Did you bring a Papaya tablet for her?

I think you should talk your wife into getting Pebbles a boyfriend. Mind you if she's anything like our Buttercup hehates all other rabbits, so he ends up with just Mommie & Daddyas play mates.
