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Snuggys Mom

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Hi everyone,

I searched the threads on Pasteurella, but couldn't find anything on the causes.

What causes it and how is it contracted? I realize it'scontagious, but if my bunnies aren't around other animals, can theystill get it?

Snuggles has started sneezing a little and I'm concerned.


Thanks, Amy. That is really nastystuff! The sneezing has tapered off some. I'm goingtowatch herclosely. If itgetsworse again, I'll take her to the vet.


Hi Laura,

What a bummer!! My first thought is that it could beallergies. Pasteurella is a bacteria and can attack therabbit's system if their immune system is down. If they getstressed, they can become suseptible to it, or if the bacteria isdormant, but moves around the system into some parts of the body, thesymptoms can appear, or of course, they can catch it from anotherrabbit.

Considering that right now is supposedly the worst time of year forallergies, and in the event that your little on hasn't had any unduestress, etc., I wouldn't rule out allergies. Tucks used tosneeze, but it was allergies and it was quickly remedied with an airpurifier.

If you do decide to take her to the vet, be sure to have the vet take aculture so that you know for sure what you are dealing with.Some vets diagnose by symptoms, but other types of things can presentthe same type of symptoms as Pasteurella does. You might giveher a bit of NutriCal if you have it around, just to give her immunesystem a boost. Even if it is allergies, the NutriCalwouldn't hurt.

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted.

Thanks, Carolyn. We were at the bottomof a hay bag when the sneezing started, so maybe it was justthat. She has, however, been stressed out lately because ofNapoleon and his gate-jumping antics. I'm going to get someNutrical this afternoon and give her a little.

It could very easily have been the dust from the hay at the bottom of the bag. Are her eyes runny?

I do think it's a good idea to have some NutriCal on hand.Giving her an inch or so can't hurt her. I think you've got agood plan there, Laura.



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