magic_girl wrote:
would i have to sale my rabbit's if i show can a person show at the age of 20 and up what do you do at a rabbit show ?? with your rabbit thank you
You do not have to sell your rabbit at a show! Some shows allow the sale of rabbits, but you have to check the show catalog or with the show secretary.
I agree with Bramblerose. Find a mentor, someone that shows (preferably one of your breeds) and knows the routine. For most one day shows, you will need a leak-proof carrier (no soft sided carriers) for your rabbit. I bring water (in bottles) from home and grooming tools. (Try to have all nails clipped the day before a show, not day of the show.Doesn't look goodputting a rabbit with a bleeding nail on the table.) I bring hay for them to eat for one day shows, I bring their regular pellets and hay for overnights. Go to a show, without your rabbits. Watch what other people do, watch a judge, check out how other breeders do things, what kind of carriers they use, ask questions....
As Pam said, join ARBA. That gives you access to a huge network of knowledgable people. Look into National breed clubs. Check out local all-breed clubs.
Most shows have to be entered about 10-14 days before the show. You can send for show catalogs by contacting the show secretary (check out the ARBA site for show listings in yourstate). The rabbits have to be tattooed in the left ear. (Again, another good reason to have a mentor to show you how...).
Pedigree's are not necessary to show, unless you intend to register the rabbit with ARBA (or havethe intent of Grand Championing the rabbit). But you should still keep accurate records of all your breedings. That way, each generation is closer to having a complete pedigree. You can also keep track of who throws what colors, (gives you an idea of what may behind them, and what they carry genetically), which does are the better mothers, which bucks throw the best litters, which combination of buck and doe produces the best rabbits for show, etc.
Good luck with your rabbits! Shows are a lot of fun, It's 10 minutes of manic panic andhours of waiting! But it's lots of fun, and I have met some of the nicest people at rabbit shows!