Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone! Phattie isshedding big time right now, and this is the first I've dealt with amajor shed. (She's actually starting to turn and very darkbrown/black, I'll have to post a pic soon.) I've beenbrushing her for a few minutes twice a day (that's all she'll let medo) and giving her extra water and hay to make sure she can passwhatever fur she's ingesting. I thought I read somewhere thatdried papaya is a good treat for buns when they're shedding--is thattrue? She doesn't like pineapple, so that's out.She's also begun to pass a few small hard poops along with her regularones, is that related to shedding as well? I'd like to makethis as easy on her as possible--after her bout with stasis a couplemonths ago I'm paranoid about anything that could affect her GItract. Any advice is appreciated!