Papaya & shedding

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Union, Missouri, USA
Good morning everyone! Phattie isshedding big time right now, and this is the first I've dealt with amajor shed. (She's actually starting to turn and very darkbrown/black, I'll have to post a pic soon.) I've beenbrushing her for a few minutes twice a day (that's all she'll let medo) and giving her extra water and hay to make sure she can passwhatever fur she's ingesting. I thought I read somewhere thatdried papaya is a good treat for buns when they're shedding--is thattrue? She doesn't like pineapple, so that's out.She's also begun to pass a few small hard poops along with her regularones, is that related to shedding as well? I'd like to makethis as easy on her as possible--after her bout with stasis a couplemonths ago I'm paranoid about anything that could affect her GItract. Any advice is appreciated!:)
Actually no, papaya and pineapple do nothing totreat or prevent hairballs. It's a very popular myth thateven some vets believe. They are yummy treats, though.

I've found that canned pumpkin helps my buns when they'reshedding. They love it, and it's also great to hide medicinein. It gets more water into them and adds a some fiber andvitamins. I always start feeding it whenever I notice thatsomebunny's poops are getting small and hard (often happens whenthey're shedding), and they're usually back to normal in a day orso. I feed 1-2 tablespoons twice a day, but start small ifshe's never had it before.

And before you ask, do not use laxatone or cat hairballremedies. These coat hairballs with oil, preventing waterfrom getting in to the center and breaking it up. So theyactually can make masses harder to pass.
naturestee wrote:
Actually no, papaya and pineapple do nothing to treat orprevent hairballs. It's a very popular myth that even somevets believe. They are yummy treats, though.

Really? Does that go for the Papaya tablets that you can buyas well? I thought that they did help in preventing hairballs.
Evan55 wrote:
d'oh :foreheadsmack: I just bought a can of 500 papaya tablets

same here. i just started feeding maomaochiu papayatablets. Naturestee, you have a link handy that explains thiswhole myth? thanks!
Thanks for the link!

o.k., i will eat the papaya tablets now :Dand maomaochiu canhave it only as treats once for a while. poor maomaochiu, heactually enjoys it very much!
I am going to buy another bottle of 500 Papaya tablets soon.

I greet Pebbles every morningby giving her a tablet, andgive her another when I go tobed. Some habits arenot worth breaking. :D

Rainbows! :)
Hehe...we just bought papaya enzyme tablets forME recently, and I absolutely HATE them, as for some reason the companythat makes them thinks I would want PAPAYA to taste MINTY....BLECH!!!

Anyway, they just sit there in the cupboard...I suffer through oneevery now and then, but the minty flavor makes me gag almost everytime.:? It's rough, but they do help MY stomach.Lol!! :D

Sorry, a bit off-topic, but I just felt the need to share, for some reason...:D
haha, enjoy the tablet!

so i am wondering now that since the papaya tablet does not do any goodto the bun, will it do any bad? like, too sweet, too fattyetc??

maomaochiu wrote:
papaya tablet does not do any good to the bun,will it do any bad? like, too sweet, too fatty etc??
I've been feeding Pebbles2-3 tablets a day, andI had no problems withher health or hairballs.

She looks forward in gettingher treat and crunchingdown on them.

Rainbows! :)