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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hutto, Texas, USA
What is a leg? I am getting a new bunny but theowner said she can't be registered because she doesn't have enoughlegs... Can you help me? If she can't be registered can her litterstill be registered? (both parents have papers, just the dad isregistered though). Plus I am getting this new bunny and was wonderingif she had a dewlap? Is this caused by being over wieght?


bunnylover78642 wrote:
What is a leg? I am getting a new bunny but the owner saidshe can't be registered because she doesn't have enough legs... Can youhelp me? If she can't be registered can her litter still be registered?(both parents have papers, just the dad is registered though). Plus Iam getting this new bunny and was wondering if she had a dewlap? Isthis caused by being over wieght?

A "leg" certificate is awarded to a rabbit that wins in a class of 5 ormore rabbits shown by 3 or more exhibitors. A rabbit iseligible to apply for a Grand Champion certificate after it has beenawarded 3 leg certificates and it meets requirements for registration.

Legs are not a requirement for registration.

Dewlaps can develop due to a genetic tendency or due to beingoverweight. In a breed which has a dewlap disqualification, arabbit with a dewlap would not be registerable.

Are you an ARBA member? You can find complete details aboutregistration in the ARBA Guidebook and yearbook -- or visit the ARBAwebsite for more info. on the requirements of registering a rabbit:

The rules for registration are in your Yearbook on page 270.
