Pamela227 and NightPoet

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Dear Pamela227 and Beth,

Both of you have recently lost your beloved babies. You're still deepin grieving and the pain is still raw, but you stop in to read a fewposts.

That speaks so much to your Strength, Hope, and Love.

It's hard to visit a rabbit forum after your bunny dies. It's really touching to me that you stop by.

Pamela227 doesn't see a rabbit in her near future, which makes it all the more moving.

God Bless You, Both, and thank you because just seeing that you're still around really makes my day.

Respectfully and With Love,
I didn't know that.:?That's really cool that you guys still drop in and see us.Speaks volumes for your love of bunnies. Don't know what it says aboutyour judgment in character (if you didn't notice, there are some crazypeople that hang out around here!) :)

Thanks for the kind words carolyn & bunnymommy, it really means a lot.
From the first time i came here, everyone on this board has been sowonderful, accepting, & caring i feel like i know everyone &every bunny personally.
i like to keep updated on how everyone is doing & how the bunnies are doing.
i enjoy coming on & reading about the crazy things everyones bunnies do & getting to see the pictures.
at times its really hard for me to go through the posts, they make methink of the crazy things oreo did & how much i miss her, but atthe same time reading about other bunnies sort of fills the void.
your thoughts,prayers & kind words are greatly appreciated!
(There's one in every family, Pamela and Beth.)

* * * * * * * * *

Speak for yourself, Raspberry.

Aack I've been mooned!! That smiley is a little, ah, disturbing...! :)

Thanks for being so wonderful, everyone, and especially Carolyn andbunnymommy. Even though I've been a member for only a couple of days, Ialready feel completely at home! Everyone is so incredibly friendly andhelpful, it's a treat to chat. And while I do miss Figgs, it's nicehearing about everyone else's bunns. It's nice to know about everyone'sgreat experiences! I used to have pet rats which live shorter thanrabbits, and in the past 3 years I've had 5 ratties go. Maybe I'm justgetting used to it, which is a scary thought. Anyway, thanks for allthe incredibly WONDERFUL support! You're all the best!


She wasn't mooning you -- she was mooning me.

*little Witch!*

pamela227 wrote:
Thanks for the kind words carolyn & bunnymommy, it really means a lot.
From the first time i came here, everyone on this board has been sowonderful, accepting, & caring i feel like i know everyone& every bunny personally.
i like to keep updated on how everyone is doing & how the bunnies are doing.
i enjoy coming on & reading about the crazy things everyones bunnies do & getting to see the pictures.
at times its really hard for me to go through the posts, they make methink of the crazy things oreo did & how much i miss her, butat the same time reading about other bunnies sort of fills the void.
your thoughts,prayers & kind words are greatly appreciated!
Well, thanks for thinking of us and visiting, Pamela. Youknow you will alway be "part of the family,"here and we would welcomeanything you mighthave to add. It nice to see youhere, again.


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