Pals are NOT Flemish!!

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bubville, , USA
Ok, I was reading old threads and came across the one about the lazy Flemmies that eat laying down.

I know Pals often look a lot like Flemmies, but they have WAY WAY moreenergy. I was giggling at the contrast between Bub and all theFlemmies. Bub is like a big orange super ball--he crashes into and offof everything and everyone nonstop. Then when his audience leaves, heflops down with a crash that's gotta be a 7 on the Richter scale. Izzystarts jiggling next door as her whole cage shakes with the impact.

I so want a Flemish someday, but I'm just now realizing how differentthey are from golden boy. Pals are so darn FUNNY, such woingy bouncylittle stinkers. Bub was winging off the wall today (quiteliterally!:shock:), and it was such a contrast to those lazy big bunsthat I can't help but laugh. I love both types. :D



I just finished watching the "how to channel" here in Oz on pay, andseen the show "pet keeping" with that Marc guy and all his animals!!!(the one with the Macaw on his shoulder)

And that Giant Flemish he has sitting there quite happily eating away is amazing!!!

I couldn't help but look and think "my gawd look how BIG he is" LOL

I started to not pay attention to what he was saying because I waslooking at the rabbit and thinking My Gawsh whatCarolyn, Tina and you other flemish owners do when they go for thatbunny500 or Binky!!! LOL

And those kisses would be like having a bath!! LOL

I have ssen pics here of Flemishes etc but not until I seen one on telly did I realise just HOW big they can be !!!
My Checkers (a Rex) was as lazy as theday was long. She would strategically lay all streatched outin a spot where she could eat and/or drink from the bowls by justmoving her head. I'm not sure what she was conserving her energy for...
Too Funny, Rose!

I can certainly see why people get them confused from pictures. What ashock they'd be in for thinking they were getting a Palamino, when theyend up with a Flemish.

500s is not something Cali wishes to exert herself to do. A need forspeed is not on her wish list. When she wants to, rather has to, turnit up, she can, but that's not something I see every day. Even when shedoes wish to play her 'cat and mouse' game with me, she'll only hopenough of distance to stay out of reach and then she'll stop until Icatch up a few paces and then hop hop hop...she goes again.

She's is most definitely Ms. Lazy Bones of the three. While the othertwo will explore each time they're out, Cali will go to her favoritespot to poop and then after all that exercise, goes over and lays downas if she's put in a full day. Gypsy uses the term that they're rugs.
Understand that Pals are slowly fading. :( Apparently not too manypeople are into breeding them at this point in time? What a shame. I sohope that doesn't happen. God knows it almost happened with Flemish atone point in time. Bub babies someday, perhaps??? He's so beautiful andso full of personality. I know your other friend that loves her Palshas been gently trying to coax you. :wink:

Nudge, Nudge , Poke, Poke ,(pointy little Stick here Rose )!!!!!!:run:

I Just came back from the Topsfield Show, What an awsome show it wastoo! I got to Meet Mrs Vaills , APalomino breeder , I was In 7 th heaven , whata womderfull Lady .

I was also able to geta beautiful awsome Sr Buck ..He is in full blown moltbut stunning none the less . after agood chatt and a longNap I will start a thread onthe Show !

Rose, Mrs Vaills told Meto be sure and get startedon this line of Rabbit,its quickly coming undone . MyDoes are only 9 or 10 weeks old yet . Butwe should concider bringing itbackin Line as quickly aspossible .
gypsy wrote:
Nudge, Nudge , Poke, Poke ,(pointylittle Stick here Rose )!!!!!!:run:

I Just came back from the Topsfield Show, What an awsome show it wastoo! I got to Meet Mrs Vaills , APalomino breeder , I was In 7 th heaven , whata womderfull Lady .

I was also able to geta beautiful awsome Sr Buck ..He is in full blown moltbut stunning none the less . after agood chatt and a longNap I will start a thread onthe Show !

Rose, Mrs Vaills told Meto be sure and get startedon this line of Rabbit,its quickly coming undone . MyDoes are only 9 or 10 weeks old yet . Butwe should concider bringing itbackin Line as quickly aspossible .

Oh, I'm jealous. My problem is, I'm living at home and I'd be a deadwoman if I expanded my rabbitry now. It's killing me not to be breedingsuch a handsome young buck.:XBut yes, someday he'llbea father, I hope. Probably not for a year or two, but thebreed status worries me.

Ok, so I had an idea. Please, if you have ideas, help me flesh the ideaout. I can't breed right now, because I don't have space. BUT, I have aglorious young stud buck. I'm thinking, get ahold of the local 4-Hrabbit program (I'm a proud alumnus), see if I could encourage someyoung 4-Herto start a Pal breeding program--offering Bub asstud, free of charge, and standing by to help and advise. I think Icould rustle up some does of different or partially related lines for anew breeder--possibly even a lynx. I remember a talk at a meeting onceabout dying breeds of farm animals--maybe I could take that line onit.....hmmmmm.....

Also, maybe I could convince the owners of Bub's siblings to get on board???

Gypsy, I wish you weren't so far. I'd love to make use of your stock......


Always thought Bub/Elf babies would be darling. But again...there's that distance thing to consider.


OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH<<<< BUBBAELFSwouldnt they be someStunning!!!!!!!!!

getting the gears churning, churning, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm gotta be away to put these 2 love birdstogether ,,,,,

Rose If we can figureout a railroad to you, I wouldbe More than Happy to Donate aPal baby to a 4 H 'er willingto continue on breeding them .

Come on People of the Forum How can wemake this happen ?
Elf Mommy wrote:
Always thought Bub/Elf babies would be darling. Butagain...there's that distance thing to consider.
Have to agreeon theBub/Elf babies - wouldn't they be awesome:inlove:!

I really hope something can be worked out - I think it wouldbe a real tragedy to lose such a stunning line as Pals.

gypsy wrote:
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH<<<< BUBBAELFSwouldnt they be someStunning!!!!!!!!!

getting the gears churning, churning, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm gotta be away to put these 2 love birdstogether ,,,,,

Rose If we can figureout a railroad to you, I wouldbe More than Happy to Donate aPal baby to a 4 H 'er willingto continue on breeding them .

Come on People of the Forum How can wemake this happen ?

Gypsy, I've got the number of the local rabbit project coordinator. Amstill working on getting ahold of her. I would LOVE to have one of yourline here in the area, as it would really widen the genetic pool. Atotally unrelated line!!! Yes!! Let's see what happens when the wheelsget turning.....

Oh! How exciting! I don'tknow where everyone is located, but if the train comes to the South,I'm on board! I'd be happy to drive a leg or two!


The wheels are turning. Can't wait to see if anyone follows through!!

Laura, that's so sweet of you to offer! I'm north, though.

Elfmommy, I'd love Bub to stand stud for Elf, but the distancething..... :(Do you want Elf babies to keep, or would youthink about breeding more long term for the sake of the breed? Eitherway, that would be totally cool (or both, hint hint hint:D). Go forit!!!

What if it was this forum that started a breed renaissance?? Wouldn't that be exciting???:D

Hoping, hoping.....if there's anyone else out there that is interestingin breeding Pals, please contact me. I'll post a general appeal on anew thread also.

:highfive:Im with YA Sweety .

Laura your not that far south ofme only about a few hours , warnyou tho you get one of these babies inyour arms your not going to want to let go !!!! .

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