Palpating for pregnancy and long teeth

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Jun 17, 2005
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Hello all, i am fairly new to breeding the bunsand have a few questions. The other day I palpated my doe. the next daythere was some thin fluidy blood in her cage. Did I do it too hard, didi cause her to miscarry? will a bun only miscsrry 1 baby? I did not seea fetus but maybe she ate it??? Also I bought a rabbit from an auctionthat is very skinny. the guy next to me looked at him and said he washealthy. then he asked me if i had ever cut teeth. is his teeth toolong a genitic problem and if so how serious a problem is it? should inot use him to breed? his teeth dont look long to me but he does havean overbite i think. Where on the net are there good sites to learnabout this kind of stuff? Any ideas are and will be very helpfull.Thaks Sami[highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);" name="textmarker_65"id="textmarked_64][highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);"name="textmarker_63" id="textmarked_62][highlight= rgb(255,255, 0);" name="textmarker_61"id="textmarked_60][highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);"name="textmarker_59" id="textmarked_58][highlight= rgb(255,255, 0);" name="textmarker_57"id="textmarked_56][highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);"name="textmarker_55" id="textmarked_54][highlight= rgb(255,255, 0);" name="textmarker_53"id="textmarked_52][highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);"name="textmarker_51" id="textmarked_50][highlight= rgb(255,255, 0);" name="textmarker_49"id="textmarked_48][highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);"name="textmarker_47" id="textmarked_46][highlight= rgb(255,255, 0);" name="textmarker_45"id="textmarked_44][highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);"name="textmarker_43" id="textmarked_42][highlight= rgb(255,255, 0);" name="textmarker_41"id="textmarked_40][highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);"name="textmarker_39" id="textmarked_38][highlight= rgb(255,255, 0);" name="textmarker_37"id="textmarked_36][highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);"name="textmarker_35" id="textmarked_34][highlight= rgb(255,255, 0);" name="textmarker_33"id="textmarked_32][highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);"name="textmarker_31" id="textmarked_30][highlight= rgb(255,255, 0);" name="textmarker_29"id="textmarked_28][highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);"name="textmarker_27" id="textmarked_26][highlight= rgb(255,255, 0);" name="textmarker_25"id="textmarked_24][highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);"name="textmarker_23" id="textmarked_22][highlight= rgb(255,255, 0);" name="textmarker_21"id="textmarked_20][highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);"name="textmarker_19" id="textmarked_18][highlight= rgb(255,255, 0);" name="textmarker_17"id="textmarked_16][highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);"name="textmarker_15" id="textmarked_14][highlight= rgb(255,255, 0);" name="textmarker_13"id="textmarked_12][highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);"name="textmarker_11" id="textmarked_10][highlight= rgb(255,255, 0);" name="textmarker_9" id="textmarked_8][highlight=rgb(255, 255, 0);" name="textmarker_7"id="textmarked_6][highlight= rgb(255, 255, 0);"name="textmarker_5" id="textmarked_4][highlight= rgb(255,255, 0);" name="textmarker_3" id="textmarked_2]
Hello Sami Welcome to the forum! :D

It is kind of hard to read your postbecause there is a lot of something after it, but I think I read itproperly.

What breed of rabbit do you breed first of all?

Your new rabbit might have teethMalocclusion, which is a genetic disease. You definitely would not wantto use this rabbit for breeding purposes, as he/she will pass down thetrait to its kits.

What is the reason you are breeding? (Showing/fun/4-h?)

I wouldn't suggest breeding any rabbit that isn't in top condition.

How far along was your rabbit?

I am not sure yet what the fluid was, but I might be able to figure it out.

Thank you for asking those questions. Let me tryto help you ok? Personally Ive found that auctions sometimes aren't thebest places to buy a bunny from. You can't trust the sellers, and younever know where the bunny came from, or what its been exposed too.Alot of auction bunnies are mixed breeds or run of the grade rabbitsthat are non showable, non breedable, and sometimes have some majorhealth/ genetic problems and faults that are non characteristic tocertain breeds. Now that said you can get a good animal from an auctionas long as you know exactly what you are looking for. Ivedone it myself.

I would get that doe to a vet and check and see whats going on withher. she could possibly have an intestinal bacteria infection of somesorts, or could be miscarrying. Is she eating? Drinking? How does hercondition look? Is she well filled out or very boney?

As for the buck, if the upper teeth overlap the lower ones then histeeth are fine. If the bottom ones overlap, then you have a majorproblem there. That would be called malucussion(sp?) or wolf teeth. Notvery healthy for the bunny. and definately not something you would wantto breed with.

If you want to breed rabbits, then I suggest you google rabbit rabbitbreeders in your area, hook up with one of them, and go from there. Agood purebred pedigreed rabbit may cost you alot more then an auctionbunny would. But you'd have a better chance at getting very goodbreeding stock to start with.

The site you are on right now is a good one to learn from. let me give you a few more.

This one is one of my favorites. Its talks about breeding, care, rescue, and responsible breeding.

this is another one I use that has some good breeding information on it.

Showbunny is also good. You just have to weed through all the anti-ara- legislation posts.
Thanks to both for the info and the sites. Rightnow i am breeding for fun and to learn before i breed for show. At thissame auction (its held every thursday) i had picked up four pedigreedJersy Woolies and two ped. Netherland Dwarves all from the same breederwho gave me the pedigrees. The doe i am breeding now is a JW and is inwonderfull shape, beautifull coat, good weight, and sweet tempermentalthough she is getting a little crabby and shy. She is eating anddrinking well and appears to be happy. Someone told me that i may haveirratated the kidney and the blood was in her urine, as i have not seenany more since and it was very thin and watery. And the little bit ofredness on her vulva(??is that what its called in a rabbit) was gone bythe end of the day. The little skinny ND buck that i got was more animpulse buy( i couldnt just leave him) than anything else. His topteeth over lap the bottom and i compared his to my others and theyappear about the same.He has a tatoo and i am thinking abouttrying to track down the breeder so that my kids can possibly show himfor 4-H. He is not of esspecially great quality but appears to bewithin the acceptable norms for breed requirements.
As far as what happened to the rest of the post i am notsure but something went screwwy with my puter or something , i dontknow and i appoligise for it. oh my, spelling is bad today.must be the weather. Thanks, Sami
I have no idea what it is , something with codefrom the looks of it. I had to go edit all out on my last post. no picsor anything.
Please consider notbreeding, there are just so many things that could gowrong,and you need to be prepared for them all.

I am going to ask you some questions and you have to answer them honestly (to yourself).

Do your rabbits have a Pedigree?

Are they purebred?

Are they over 8 months?

Do you know what a stuck kit is?

Do you know how to hand feed a baby with out them aspirating the milk?

Have you read a lot about breeding?

Are you breeding for a reason (such asshow rabbits, breeding for fun is not the best answer)?

Do you know what mastitis is?

Did you know that when most females havetheir first litter they usually die, sometimes from being eaten, areyou able to handle the sight of dead (and possibly VERY bloody)babies?

Will you have time, most likely1to2hours a day, to hand feed the babies if themother wont feed them?

Do you have money set aside incase youneed to bring your doe to the vet if there is anemergency?

Do you have an adoption contract ready to go out with the babies?

Do you have a plan for the bunnies if the new owner cant take care of them any more?

If you have said no to ANY of thesequestions then you should really consider not breeding.

Breeding is definitely not all fun and games.


Please think really hard about the questions. :ponder:

Some of the members here are passionate about breeding. Please do not take any offence from the questions.

The whole idea of the questions, is to really get you thinking aboutwhat exactly is involved. And to be honest, it is not reallya way to make a quick buck. There are alot of costs involved.

Welcome to the Forum !!!! :wave:

I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your buns. We LOVE to see pictures here. :yes:
Yes they are pedigreed, most are over 6 mnthsthose under are not to be bred, this is this does 2nd litter,mastitis,bloody dead babies, hand feeding, stuck kits etc, well letssee i grew up on a frm and i hunt so blood doent bother me, i havesuccessfully raised many handfed litters of newborn kittensand helpeddeliver all maner of stuck babies from cats to cows and horses, i am avet tech although we did not cover much in the way of the rodent worldso my technical knowledge there is a little thin hence the questions iam asking. when i said i was breeding for fun it was in respect forMY personal enjoyment and a learning experience to preventmistakes when i start breeding for show. i did not decide one day thatit would be fun to make baby bunnies just for kicks..I have a purposeand plan for what i am doing. I have been responsibly breeding horsesfor 20 years, quality registered show animals specializing in welsh andconnemara ponies. I am always ready and willing to have my animals comehome to me if the current owners can not keep or care for them. Howeverin the process of selling horses for so many years i have developed asystem for selling my animals only to suitable owners, if they dont fitthe people, no matter what the price offered or amount of begging done,they dont go, end of story.

I meant NO offense by thosequestions,but I was very serious about them. We haveso many people come on here asking if it is OK to breed their 3month old rabbit, so we end up having to be suspicious of new peopleand their breeding habits. You seemvery responsible though,and that is what we like around here. :D

That is the problem with theseforums, we don't know your background so we have to assume the worst.In your case it turned out to be good. :)

fully i will have pics up by next week and wheni do i will have color questions as they are puzzling to me . I think iam getting my camera today Yeah me, my old one broke when we went intothe casino in Niagra falls lol. They said no cameras allowed but ithought that meant out and taking pics not in a bag along witheverything esle we carried. lesson learned
No offense taken, I figured that if i wantedintelligent serious answers to my questions that i needed tolet all of you know that i am not a moron and have half an idea of whati am doing.:D
Id still be careful about the livestockauctions. Too many people buy and sell from those for all the wrongreasons. And with the vhd disease going around, you'd have to be extracareful. We have a couple of people that hit up the hillsdale livestockauction every saturday to buy petstore rabbits. They buy anything theycome across, without bothering to check them for disease, or anythingelse. Get them for like .50 each. Then turn around and re-sell to thepetstore for $5-$20 each for a profit.
Ya I agree with Dixon. :)

If you really do get serious aboutbreeding I would try and locate a breeder who can mentor you and showyou the ropes :)

I would also try to go to an ARBA show,and look for the breed that you want to raise. Once you have found itwatch for that certain rabbit and see who wins, and then base yourrabbit's type on the winning rabbit. It is better to start off with agood stock then have to sell off the whole herd later and have to startover. :)

torypony wrote:
fully i will have pics up by next week and when i do i willhave color questions as they are puzzling to me . I think i am gettingmy camera today Yeah me, my old one broke when we went into the casinoin Niagra falls lol. They said no cameras allowed but i thought thatmeant out and taking pics not in a bag along with everything esle wecarried. lesson learned
Color questions as in what color rabbit to breed to what othercolor? I'm asking because I have a bunch of sites that Ireference and I can put them on this thread later.

its better to hit up shows before you breed,then it is to buy then go into showing. go to shows. Talk to the showbreeders there. make sure this is something you really want to do. Iverun into many people that buy first then show. Only to find out itwasn't what they expected. Mentors are always good rescources.

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