JAK Rabbitry
Well-Known Member
Thought I'd share. HAve your sound on.
My bunny farts loudly. :blushan:
Geez - what are you feeding that kid, Rosie?!I think my six (almost seven) year old daughter would haveyou both beat...you would be AMAZED at the amount of sound and bodythat comes out that tiny little backend of hers!!
Oh, yes, bunnies most definitely DO fart. Last summer whenToby was in stasis, I gave him tummy massages and he pootedlots. Yay, I made my bunny fart! I'm thewinner! Hee heeIf you look at the comments below the video, the originalowner of the video replied to one of the comments:
I'm glad you got a kick out of it...the "poot" was indeed a soundeffect. I have never heard a bunnie fart. I have had house rabbitsprobably more than a dozen years.
maherwoman wrote:Geez - what are you feeding that kid, Rosie?!I think mysix (almost seven) year old daughter would have you both beat...youwould be AMAZED at the amount of sound and body that comes out thattiny little backend of hers!!