Owner and Bunny Help!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
East Falmouth, Cape Cod, , USA
Okay, I keep asking my self thisquestion, Does my bunny, Marshmellow, like me or doesn't like me and isshe just acting weird because she just is territorial? She acts scaredwhen I want to take her out of her cage and runs to the back, were shecan hide and run back out again if I go to the back. It takes two totake her out of her cage. I want to know if she does this because shedoesn't want to be held by me/don't like me or she is just beingterritorial of her space/cage?

picture of Marshmellow, French Lop Doe



Its not becauseshe doesntlike you , its not terrirorialunles she is lunging and biting you ,kicking scratching etc. What itis is she is Scared !A lot of rabbits do not like to be held, you have to earn and gain hertrust . Put yourself oin her place ,you being the rabbit so muchsmaller and then some Giantlifts your lid up and trys tograb you ou runand now your being chased, first to the back then tothe front ,Then Theres 2 Giantschasing you and thenOne giant has hold of you . Are youscared ? I know I would be ,Your going to have to find a differentway of approching her , I have oneI have to let down a rampinto the roundpen he hates beingpicked up , try aramp and a pen at the bottmeventually you will be able to go in andset with the rabbitand finally itwill let you pet and hold it .,BUT before you chase it aroundits safe place think aboutit and try saomething different.
I don't have her in a cage that can go on theground. She's in a hutch off ofthe ground, because she livesoutside. She is fine when we take her out but not good about gettingcaught. She came from a breeder who had more than 20 rabbits to takecare of and she's still a baby that didn't get a lot of holding frompeople. So I think if I just keep petting her in her cage she'll keepcoming up to me and then I can take her out more often to make me feelher trust and her to gain trust about me. I have figured out what arabbit doesn't like, its being chased by two or one big giant by me. SOI thought of putting my body level into her body level near theentrance of her cage to see if she will come up to me so I can take herout.

Thanks Gypsy that helped.

You can also try some food treats, such as raisins, in moderation of course. Food goes a long way to win a rabbit's heart.

Is there no way that you can built/devise a ramp for her?
Your WelcomeCleo I hope it helps ,Sometimes us Giants forget weare so big and intimidating , hmmm maybei will go chase the mail manlol .

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