Overweight bunny...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2009
Reaction score
, , USA
Hi, Smudge is my bunny. He is a bit overweight :(
He is like 6-8 months old.

How much do i feed him of pellets a day?
For a Netherland Dwarf, I believe you are supposed to feed around 1/8 cup of pellets a day. You can feed a bit more than that, but do not exceed 1/4 cup a day.
What type of food are you feeding him at the moment? And how much?

Since he's 6-8 months old, he can be transitioned onto a timothy based pellet if he's not already on one. Or if timothy pellets are difficult for you to get in your area, go for a low protein alfalfa based pellet (12-14% protein). And Little Bay Poo is correct, about 1/8th to 1/4th cup is all a small bunny needs, and you can go even less with about a table spoon if a bunny is more prone to weight gain.

Is your bunny getting hay? And if so, what kind(s)? Unlimited grass hay should be available at all times for a bunny.

All changes to a bunny's diet should be done gradually. So if you are changing pellets, or the amount of pellets, it should be done slowly over a couple of weeks.


He is on those pellets and he is eating oxbow hay i believe.
and he was on unlimited pellets, i have had him 2 night now.
What brand/type of pellet? What is the protein amount in the pellet?

You can start gradually cutting down on his pellets until he is at about 1/4th cup per 5 pounds of bunny.

Also important to mention that rabbits should never lose weight quickly. It should be a nice gradual weight loss, otherwise it will be very hard on the liver and can lead to liver failure.

Keebler, my netherland buck, eats about 1/8th a cup. He was free fed as he did not eat much but I decided to cut him down because he ate very little hay. You are suppose to feed an ounce per pound, Keebler was just under 2 pounds when I last weighed him so 1/8th cup is perfect. So if you can get his weight, try and calculate how much he eats a day and then slowly decrease to his proper amount it would be best.

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