Over max weight for Jr, should I bother even showing her?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2011
Reaction score
McVeytown, Pennsylvania, USA
Max weighed in at 11.9 pounds. Max weight for juniors is 11. :( That puts her in the 6/8 division, but she'll probably be the youngest one there. Do you think it would even be worth dragging her to the show? And if she gains around 2 pounds between now and July, she'll have to bump up to the Sr division.

The bad part is, she's solid. There's no fat on her at all, but she's solid as a rock. Probably from all that jumping she's been doing. This makes me a sad panda, because I really wanted to show her. But if the tank is going to show against rabbits that have months on her, I'm not sure it's worth taking her. :(
I wouldn't show her. Why put her through the stress of traveling and being there to be placed up with Seniors because of her weight. She's just a big girl. I'd weight until she's older and give her a chance to shine.

she might be worth showing. If she's well built she's probably built better and stronger than the ones that are several months older than her. I showed 11 week olds(Dutch though) at a show as their debut show, one judge gave one sister BOV(steel, sister was black) and her sister BOB, the other judge wanted to see the two back on the table a bit older they lacked development.
THe three people I was showing with/against were thoroughly amused, they had jrs that were several weeks older- they had planned to have them at that show at 15 weeks and my little 11 week olds whooped them in the first show under one judge yet their 15 week olds trounced my little ones in the next show. It does depend on the judge. the 4 of us are all good friends so it was all just fun for the four of us.
I agree with Heather. You can bump her up a class and she has a good chance of competing with older buns if she is as solid as you think.
Oh, she's definitely solid. When you touch her, you can feel how solid she is. Not an ounce of fat on her at all. I think I'll take her, just in case my scale is off. I'll just have someone weigh her there, before I enter, so she's in the right class.
If you're going to the show anyway and it isn't all that far, I'd probably take her. If she's only being bumped up one class due to weight, go for it. If she's a junior having to showing as a senior because she's too heavy for her own class or the 6/8 class, then I doubt she'd be very competitive. You could always get comments though.

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