Outside Bunnys??

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Durham, England, , United Kingdom
I have twoorange rexes who are 3 years old. They have lived outside their wholelives (aside from after being spayed when they lived inside for a bit)but i have heard lots of talk saying that rabbits should't be keptoutside, that it is best for them to live inside. They can't liveinside because my family (including my cat) don't want them inside. Ithink that people over judge outsde rabbits. People think that outsidebunnys are on their own in a tiny hutch never being handled and neverbeing allowed out. This isn't true for all of us. I have tried so hardto make my rabbits happy. They have a massive hutch which i frequentlyclean out, I give them lots of attention plus they have each other forcompany. When i am at school during the day they have plenty of toys tokeep them amused and their hutch is in a large escape proof run. Inthis run is a pipe and an invention of mine where i make a tunnel andfill it up with mud. My rabbits love digging their way through, theythink they are wild bunnies! This keeps them amused and is goodexercise. I also have an even bigger portable run which they go in fora bit each day on weekends so they can go to neew intresting parts ofthe garden. I make sure they are warm in the winter and cool in thesummer. I think that outside rabbits can be very happy. After all, theyaway from the stresses of indorr life which can be verey scary for abunny and they have lots of fresh air. They are rabbits after all! Soplease don't judge outside rabbits. They can be just as happy as indoorrabbits. If anybody thinks of anything else i can do for my bunnys tomake them happier please tell! thankyou.
Hey! Welcome to the forum!

I see no problem with having bunniesoutside! I personally cant have my bunnies outside because we have anover population of coyotes....and you know what coyotes think when theyseebunnies

So I have to keep them in :) But thats fine with me!

But keeping them outside isnt a bad thing,as long has they are warm in the winter and cool in the summer :) WhichI am sure they are, they sound like they are in good hands with you!

As long as they get time outside of theircage to play then there is absolutely no problem with them beingoutside.

The person I got my Flemish from kept ALLof his rabbits (all 30 of em) outside and they seemed fine to me:)

Here is a picture of my Flemish, his name is Nimué :)


I tried to look at the picture of your bunnies but it wouldnt load the whole thing :(

Hi nice to see a newmember Inow havetwo indoor buns but when I was younger I only hadoutside buns,and I must admit thatI think I give myindoor buns Shawn and Zebedee more attention than I used to the outdoor buns, I don't know if this is becausethey feel part ofmy home more as I see the constantly, or because I am older.What ever the reason I am happy to have indoor buns. If youwant your buns to live out side who said you cant?? It sounds like yourbuns have a great set up {would like to see somepics} whateversuits you and your circumstances. You will find that how everwe keep are buns everyone or most of us on this site has no problemwith how other people keep their buns as long as they are well cared,happy and loved. Hope you enjoy being a member of thiswonderful site.

P.S the only thing that I was wondering about was when you said thatindoor life can be very stressful and scary for a bun. Whatdo you mean by this or am I reading itwrong?
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
After all, they away fromthe stresses of indorr life which can be verey scary for a bunny andthey have lots of fresh air. They are rabbits after all!
Ya I was wondering about that my self...but I wasnt sure if I was reading it right :)

ayglnu13 wrote:
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
After all, they away fromthe stresses of indorr life which can be verey scary for a bunny andthey have lots of fresh air. They are rabbits after all!
Ya I was wondering about that my self...but I wasnt sure if I was reading it right :)

OH i'm glad it's not just me then .lol
samandshawn wrote:
ayglnu13 wrote:
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
After all, they away fromthe stresses of indorr life which can be verey scary for a bunny andthey have lots of fresh air. They are rabbits after all!
Ya I was wondering about that my self...but I wasnt sure if I was reading it right :)

OH i'm glad it's not just me then .lol

Haha I thought the EXACT same thing when I saw your post! :p

Hi and welcome to the forum. Soundslike your rabbits have a good life. My brother and I had arabbit named Nick who was kept outside in a hutch, but he got a lot ofattention. He got out of his cage daily for a run either intheyard (on a harness) or in the basement. We kepta patch of clover nearby to give him treats. We also studdedhim out to a few local farmers. His hutch was swept orsprayed out each day and thoroughly disenfected each week.Not a bad life for a rabbitI think.
Theres nothingwrong with outdoor rabbits aslong as they are not neglected ,and by thesounds they are very welllooked after , I have some buns inside the garage butothers are outside as theweather warms ,

What I think she wasrefering to with the stressesof being inside and JMO, Is

Sometimes we dont realize justhow stressful it can be inside for arabbit , , Theres the noise of the TV thenoise of the radio , cooking smells ,smoke ( either from ciggarettesor wood stove ), dogscats etc , and maybe she has apoint , Inside or outsidetheres stress , no matter how youlook at it ,
gypsy wrote:
Sometimes we dont realize justhow stressful it can be inside for arabbit , , Theres the noise of the TV thenoise of the radio , cooking smells ,smoke ( either from ciggarettesor wood stove ), dogscats etc , and maybe she has apoint , Inside or outsidetheres stress , no matter how youlook at it ,
ooooo ok Gottcha!! :) Ya I can see how that could be stressful :)

gypsy wrote:
What I think shewas refering to withthe stresses of being insideand JMO , Is

Sometimes we dint realize justhow stressful it can be inside for arabbit , , Theres the noise of the TV thenoise of the radio , cooking smells ,smoke ( either from ciggarettesor wood stove ), dogscats etc Sorry cant agree with that. I think beinginside
Sorry cant agree with that. If a bunny is keptindoors from a baby and is used to the hustle and bustle of life theydon't find it stressful at all because they don't know anythingelse. I think it helps them to bond better with us becausethey here our voice more, and get used to us being there.
I agree with thefact that if they grew up with all the noises they would be fine. But Ithink that a rabbit who lived outside its whole life would be stressedout if they came inside. Maybe thats what every one was thinking:)


When I first got my 2 buns a little over a yrago I kept them inside just due to the fact that they were just 6 wksold. My dutch was in the house for a week, but they live inmy garage with their own heater and sep. cages. I let themout daily in the house for a hr or so this way they get their runningaround. I let them outdoors when the weather isnice. I have a pen for them outside as where I live the outerpermeters are lined with full grown pine trees and many places for themget lost and hurt and there are many birds, quail etc that could dothem harm. I noticed when mine lived indoors that they seemedto be more scared and would scurry to hide with loud noises.I think it is a personal preference as to where animals live.My dog depending on weather lives out doors during the day but doescome in at night, and if the weather outdoors is to frigid then my bunscome indoors. But I have to say they love theirheater andbask in front of it for hrs on end.
ayglnu13 wrote:
But I think that a rabbit wholived outside its whole life would be stressed out if they cameinside.
And a rabbit that's been indoors it's whole life can be verystressed ifit is moved outdoors. There are sounds and smellsout there, too ;)

I personally don't have a problem with keeping bunnies outside, but Ithink I would keep my rabbits inside unless I absolutely had to putthem out. Even without coming out of their cage every day, they get alot of social interaction from people just being around.

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