Well-Known Member
I have twoorange rexes who are 3 years old. They have lived outside their wholelives (aside from after being spayed when they lived inside for a bit)but i have heard lots of talk saying that rabbits should't be keptoutside, that it is best for them to live inside. They can't liveinside because my family (including my cat) don't want them inside. Ithink that people over judge outsde rabbits. People think that outsidebunnys are on their own in a tiny hutch never being handled and neverbeing allowed out. This isn't true for all of us. I have tried so hardto make my rabbits happy. They have a massive hutch which i frequentlyclean out, I give them lots of attention plus they have each other forcompany. When i am at school during the day they have plenty of toys tokeep them amused and their hutch is in a large escape proof run. Inthis run is a pipe and an invention of mine where i make a tunnel andfill it up with mud. My rabbits love digging their way through, theythink they are wild bunnies! This keeps them amused and is goodexercise. I also have an even bigger portable run which they go in fora bit each day on weekends so they can go to neew intresting parts ofthe garden. I make sure they are warm in the winter and cool in thesummer. I think that outside rabbits can be very happy. After all, theyaway from the stresses of indorr life which can be verey scary for abunny and they have lots of fresh air. They are rabbits after all! Soplease don't judge outside rabbits. They can be just as happy as indoorrabbits. If anybody thinks of anything else i can do for my bunnys tomake them happier please tell! thankyou.