Outdoor Time Question!

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Jun 3, 2006
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Long story short I'm afraid of Peanut and Jezebel running away if I let them outside to play. The two binky all the time, and they lick my hand and face if given the chance. They seem very happy now, but how loyal will rabbits get? I really don't want to put leashes or harnesses on them. Thanks :D!
It depends on the rabbit, most will run away, some will come back and some wont leave your side. My rabbits are super attached to me but they would take off if given the chance. I have runs built for mine and that way I don't have to be worried.
By the way, the second sentence of my original post refers to the times when I let them out inside the house to run around, not outside.
I wouldn't let my buns go outside unless they were in a secure pen with a top. My old bun, I had her out on the grass with the top of her old cage, and then lifted the lid to go pet her. She jumped out as soon as I opened and started running. I had to almost tackle her to try to catch her!

I wouldn't take the chance of having them in the open, I'd make sure they were in a high pen, perferably with a closed top just incase.
One morning i woke up as usual atfive thirty to milk and i realized that the hutch door to the Trio of girls was down and there was no buns inside. I had no contacts in to see to look so i milked and ran inside frantic to put in some contacts and get out of my pajamas into work clothes....I went outside and was aboutto begin my search when i noticed Dakota right in front of me.....so i bent down and started talking gently because i knew there was going to be a chase....Dakota hopped right into my arms, i didn't have to move at all.....Sprite did the same thing.

They both had a "i'm so sorry i was naughty i'll be good now" look on their face...they'd all three been out all night.

Leo will let you pick him up too w/o a fuss. I think it depends on the bun, you might just try in a smaller pen to see how he'll react.

If you live on a busy road i'd watch out for him jumping in front of a car.

Jeff - you mentioned being concerned they will run away indoors. Are you concerned about certain parts of the home not being bunnyproofed and them getting injured, or not finding them or is there another issue? IF it is only certain areas are bunny proofed we use babygates which sometimes keep them in one room and sometimes just slow them down and I herd them back to the room I want them in, (follow and clap) gently of course. I have read where people do use harnesses and just put them on without the leash at first and then once the bun is used to it use the leash. However, keep in mind they lead you not the other way around.

If by loyal you mean close to you carry greens to regain their attention when they stray. ;)

****hope somewhere in this I helped*******
Pipp lived in somebody's backyard for a time before I adopted her, and got out the back gate once and went hopping into a neighbour's opendoor. And she was always trying to get in her 'owner's'house (which is the main reason I 'bunnynapped' her).

Dill will always comes when he's called, so not too worried about him. (He hates the harness). Sherry is shy and would probably hide and be a problem. Darry doesn't like hands and is hard to catch, and Radar isn't too bright, so I'd be worried about them, too, although pretty sure they'd come back if they didn't get lost.

SomeUK members have garden bunnies whohave wandered off for days but always seem to come back.

That said, I'd NEVERlet any of them out anywhere other than their exercise pen with me sitting there watching them because of the swiftness of predator attacks and other issues. I'm on a list with somebody who lost their little rex girl to a hawk so fast the other two bunnies with her didn't even notice she was gone. Ditto with cats and dogs and other animals, depending on where you live. And there's parasites, flie bots, poisonous plants, getting stuck in fencing, vehicles, thieves and no end of potential issues. Which is too bad. I'd love to have a garden bunny (or five). Maybe I'll move to the UK. :)

sas :)and the five house bunnies :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
I actually got her twice -- the first time off of the corner of Granville and Robson in downtown Vancouver where she was living with a couple of homeless kids, and I gave her to the friend with the yard who really wanted her, but I took her back. :)

I guess those are both outdoor bunny stories... but yeah... :threadhijacked :lol:

sas :) and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
I meant that they seem really happy and comfortable indoors, but I'm afraid that if I let them play outside in the yard or wherever, they'll run away. When they're indoors they typically stay in the same room for some reason, and love the area under our coffee table.

BACI wrote:
Jeff - you mentioned being concerned they will run away indoors. Are you concerned about certain parts of the home not being bunnyproofed and them getting injured, or not finding them or is there another issue? IF it is only certain areas are bunny proofed we use babygates which sometimes keep them in one room and sometimes just slow them down and I herd them back to the room I want them in, (follow and clap) gently of course. I have read where people do use harnesses and just put them on without the leash at first and then once the bun is used to it use the leash. However, keep in mind they lead you not the other way around.

If by loyal you mean close to you carry greens to regain their attention when they stray. ;)

****hope somewhere in this I helped*******
My rabbit Gandalf once got out of my pen outdoors because he is terrified of dogs. The pen holds my other two bunnies because they don't try to escape. Its mostly just a boundry they know not to cross. But anyway, now when I take Gandalf outside he ALWAYS has his harness on. I'm not going to chase him like that again! I just modified a figure 8 cat harness to fit him and I hold on to the leash at all times when he is in the pen playing.
I've built 5 rabbit runs in total now, and the2nd and 3rdwere completely rabbit proof (except for a few babies slipping between wire (which was fixed) and one baby jumping the fence/scaling plywood/climbing chicken wire. I've now solved it. They can't climb 2" stucco wire and none of mine can jump higher than 2'9" anymore but all my runs are 3'6" to make sure they can't get out. Now the 4th and 5th are rabbit proof as well, you just have to make sure the wire is sturdy, too big to climb, but too small to sqeeze through and that there are no gaps ANYWHERE that they can sqeeze through, they will find them, guarenteed.
I'm certainly not an expert in the area of buns but mine is loose most of the day in the backyard and we have a 2 foot fence arround 3 sides of his area and a 1 foot fence on the 4th side (so we can easily step over.) He can jump that high but he doesn't try to escape. When in the front yard I always have the harness and leash on him. I let him roam freely in the house and backyard much like my cat and he has never tried to escape. He runs right up to my feet when I walk into the room he is in or into the backyard. I would say, at least in my case, a bunny is as loyal as a cat or dog. The only reason I don't let him free out front is as you mentioned previously, predators. My bun is not afraid of cats or the occasional dog, but he gets nervous when there are a lot of children around. We also have some thick hedges and I bet if he had the chance he would run right under them.

Pipp - That is the sweetest story. :)
My back garden is bunny proofed, with fences and a wall, so they can't get out. We don't have predators either, so Pernod and Perry have free run of the house and garden (we have a cat flap on the back door so they can come and go as they please). They usually come in when I shake the treat bag, but sometimes Pernod is a stubborn little so-and-so and will hide under the decking :X. However, she does come in when it's feeding time ;).


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