Outdoor bunny runs

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its about 8 ft by 5 ft, made from wood with meshand mesh along the ground to stop them digging out. I also have anotherrun which i put up which is just mesh and props and pegs. I will postpics once i resize them!;)
Here's mine!


What is yours made out of?
Hi, It's made of PVC, wire, &plastic "what-er-ya-callums"!!!. I did not glue the PVC...so,it can be taken apart, made bigger, etc.. Charlotte
Charlotte, that is such an awesome idea.I would never have thought to use pvc. I am thinking of making a runfor these guys and gals. I just may borrow that idea.

Cute bunnies playing too.;)

I love love LOVE your run dootsmom!

I think I ought to make a run for Emmy sometme this week. It would be agret idea! Altho I'm worried about the bugs outside in the year. Theflys, ants...ergh. *shivers* Does your run need to be fully in a shade?My backyeard has a gazeboo growing grapes and there isn't that muchshade...? I'm really looking forward in making Emmy a run outside.Thanks

dootsmom wrote:
Hi, It's made of PVC, wire, & plastic"what-er-ya-callums"!!!. I did not glue the PVC...so, it canbe taken apart, made bigger, etc.. Charlotte
That's an awesome run! My only suggestion would be that anyone copyingthis idea not use chicken wire (I think that's what you used). I canattest to the fact that a lot of bunnies can climb it (both of my boyscan) even if yours don't, others may. My boys also have chewed throughchicken wire and put great big holes in it. The only place I usechicken wire is along the wood fence to block big gaps and preventdigging along that fence because they can climb it if they want and notget anywhere.

Another thing is to make sure not to make it too low for your rabbit.Rabbits can jump different heights (some of the really small breedershave been known to jump over 3.5 feet. Some can jump the height of yourfence but just may not try it. My runs are 3' and 3.5' tall and I onlyhad some initial problems with Mocha being an escape artist andclimbing plywood at 8 weeks old.:?
You can make it any height you like...this oneis about 2 feet high. 2 inches of wire is "hanging off" onthe bottom to discourage digging under it. It's 10 feet longand 30 inches wide. Only one of my buns has attempted toclimb out of it (he was trying to escape from Mitzie...one of Buck'sBuns). I think that the way it is constructedconfuses them & they can't tell where the wire begins &ends...keeping them in.
I like it because it's light enought to move around to mow....or catch the shade.
My bunny run is 10feet wide by 50 feet long, itsto dog kennels put together with chicken wire dug into the ground 15in. and ran up the sides half way ( its six feet high) all I have to donow is to put the chicken wire on the top so no hawks or anything elsecan get in by the top I also have a small house at one end (6by8) sothey can run and hide in.

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