Our washer broke..have to take my deccicated bunny towels to laundromat!

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Nov 30, 2005
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I have towels on the floor for my bunnies to layon ...these towels are really wrecked..all full of holes and rips. Ichange them almost every day because maybe some one peed on them orthey have a poop smear or whatever....I have to make sure that I getback to that laundromat before anyone takes those raggy towels out ofthe dryer. If anyone thought that those were my bath towels I would be:embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed:Actually it seems as if my bathtowels are getting less all the time because some how I end up givingthem to the bunnies:ponder:
Linz 1987 maybe people in the UK wouldunderstand but people here would think that I'm a F... nut. No Oneunderstands bunny people except another bunny person:highfive:
AngieLuv- I totally understand! :D
I have soo many "bunny towels" that if I had a dollar for
each one, I'd be rich! Hope your washer gets well soon! ;)
Greta...:inlove:.. I treasure my bunny towelsandmy bunny sheets and my bunny rugs......there is nothing better than anice clean pile of my bunny rags so I can make them clean andcomfy.....other peoples garbage is my treasure...old clean towels forbunnies to snuggle with...Angie
I do a load of bunny towel at the laundrymatevery week. Let them wonder and stare. I personallyenjoy shaking them out, fresh from the machine, stained and holed up -I can just imagine what people must think! LMAO!
I am a bunny towel person too... I thought I wasthe only one for quite a while! And yes, I have more towels for mybunny that I do for myself.

I got fed up with buying and disposing of litter so for a while I wasusing towelsin their potty place. A folded up towelfits nicely in a litter box and all I have to do is turn it over anddump out the pebbles, then put the towel in the bunny hamper. When thehamper is full, it is one load of laundry.

I am sure a normal person would think it was disgusting, but it neverbothered me... I say it is no different than cloth diapers.

I have since switched to potting/compost mix for my Theodore's litterbox, but he still has his towels (and now also a sheet) to snuggle orfight with. He loves it.
Awww... look at Wesley! What a darling.

I don't understand why bunnies are so happy to sleep in the toilet! ...wierdos.

It must be to keep me cleaning up after him.

"Mommy, if you don't change my towels every day, I'm gonna stink and you'll be sorry." haha
As well as Bunny towels, I also have a few Bunnytops - T-shirts and sweatshirts that have been chewed and ripped whenholding the buns. One day, the doorbell rang. When I answered it, itwas the postman with a letter to be signed for. He kept giving me funnylooks, and it was only after he'd gone that I realised that I waswearing my Bunny sweatshirt, full of holes and rips :embarrassed:. Bethe though ' poor woman, can't even afford decent clothes'!!!

That's funnyJan - I have hada lined denim jacket since my first bun - it looks like it has beenshot with a shotgun! I will put it on occasionally for a treat and letmy buns go to town on me.

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