Our Rabbit Cage

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
, Virginia, USA
We're STILL in the process of making our rabbitcage but we made a lot of progress this weekend. This contraption thatwe're building is getting SO out of control it's hilarious. We'veworked on it 3 weekends straight! Everything has to be just so hehehe.We're actually having a lot of fun building it together. We probablycould have had it finished in a day, but we're making sure there'snota single mistake.

I can't wait to send pictures!!!! The part we finished tonight lookedso good, even though I don't have anything to show you all I had tocome and tell you about it :D

Lol, is it big? we tried making my rabbits a runlast year to attach to their cage, it was quite big but hadall fallen apart by this year. (We took it apart in the winter to bringthe cages indoor) Never mind, looking forward to seeing it!

Leanne :)
It's not huge. It's the same size they have nowwith more loft space, I'm hoping it will be easier to keep clean. Inthe past with just Mr. Wiggles he would have one or two pee spots onthe carpet to say it was his spot so it wasn't bad, but the new girlpees A LOT on the carpet and her hair is EVERYWHERE, so the new designwill hopefully be sturdier and easier to maintain.

The main part of the cage is made out of the NICcubes, and wood. It's hard to describe the design, I'll have to waittill it's put together and post pictures.


Meganc731 wrote:
The main part of the cage is made out of the NIC cubes, andwood. It's hard to describe the design, I'll have to wait till it's puttogether and post pictures.

Just wondering what does the NIC stand for because i've heard cubes called lots of differnt names:?
YES!!!! Our rabbit cage is almost done!!! All wehave left to do is finish scoring the coroplast tray that is goingunder the cage. I'm so excited!!!! My camera is broken so I had to usethe camera on my cell phone. It's horrible qaulity so I outlined theedges of the cage using photoshop so you can make it out better.

HERE IT IS!!!! There's 6 full blocks on each side of the cageand9 full blocks on the back of the cage. On the frontthere's 9 blocks, but the bottom 3 blocks were chopped off so there isroom for a coroplast tray to slide in.

The floor of the cagewas made using Buck's directions, itisa wood framewith hardware cloth and is bolted tothe wire blocksof the cage.It is raised off thefloor about 4.5 inches.

The two shelves are made like a deck using Trex and are bolted to thewire grids. The are spaces between the slats so any strays fallthrough.

As soon as the cage is finished and the bun's are in it, I'll try toget our camera working again so I can take some good pictures. I justcouldn't wait any longer to share it.

Here's a couple more close ups.


Close up of the "deck"


Close up of the hardware cloth.


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