Our New Bunny

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Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
Massachusetts, , USA
I have no idea what type of bunny he is but he sure is cute. I adopted him today from sum1 that no longer wanted him. he is the sweetest loves to be petted and held

He's adorable! Congrats on the addition and props on taking in a homeless bun.

The only thing I would recommend from experience is changing off of cedar litter. I racked up a lot of vet bills because of it causing sinus issues, even when it was just in the litter box. Great smelling for us, bad for bunnies.

Try Aspen, which is around the same price as cedar and in the same bulk packaging. Petco/Petsmart/Blue Seal/Agway all carry them. :) Just a suggestion!

Can't wait to hear how he does and bonds with you guys!

Congratulations on your new bunny!

Wishing you the best! You will find lots of good information in the RO Library.

Hard to tell by pics, but have to say definitely a cutie! Broken black is his coloring I'm guessing.

My first rabbit Bailey used to do that..sort of a "Hey! I'm done, put me down!" It does hurt, so I do feel for you.

Maybe rabbits aren't a great choice? Even the most friendly of bunnies has off days where they can nip.

He might be nervous because of the change in environment, or from being held so soon. Maybe you could find it in your heart to give him some more time to adjust?

Good luck

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