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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
Reaction score
Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA
Our neighboor is moving and could not take thebunny so we took her in,but I would like to find out what type she is,if some one could let us know that would be great. The cageshe is in is for a large dog but I bought a bunch of stuff for her andso far she seems real happy.

Thank you for any help in letting me know what type she is,

Welcome aboard and congratulations on your new beautiful addition to your Family.

What is her name?

Bramble Briar86 wrote:
**coughpamcough**...pamnock was a rabbitjudge for a while, she'll probably know!:D

I am currently a judge :)

Hummer -- how much does your rabbit weigh?

She is black otter in color like the Britannia Petite pictured,however, I believe she appears to be a Dwarf mix. The Petitesare one of the smallest breeds, and your girl appears to be a littlelarger.

Are you from the US?

pamnock wrote:
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
**coughpamcough**...pamnock was a rabbitjudge for a while, she'll probably know!:D

I am currently a judge :)

Hummer -- how much does your rabbit weigh?

She is black otter in color like the Britannia Petite pictured,however, I believe she appears to be a Dwarf mix. The Petitesare one of the smallest breeds, and your girl appears to be a littlelarger.

Are you from the US?

**grins sheepishly** sorry, i forgot. you have a juding coming up soon too don't you? lol, sorry, my mistake.

Thank you for all the quick (as a bunny!;))responces! I am in north San Diego County, CA. Sheseems like a very happy bunny so far, I have had her since 10:30 thismorning (7:45 current west coast time). Originally I was notgoing to take her, then I saw her, she was in the very large cage witha few pieces of newspaper, a bowl of guina food and somewater:shock:. I HAD to take her, I went to Petco and spent$100 on bedding, food, a little shelter, litter box and sometreats. I also bought a adjustable 6ft leash to take her inthe front yard. (I think she is a little spoiled!)My daughters (2 and 3) have named her Miffy Bunny. I am notsure how much she weighs, I want her to get to know me first before Istart to pick her up, but I think she might be less than 2 years old ifthat helps. Oh, and I also bought 2 rabbit books.

Again, thank you so much for all the responces,

:shock:She's absolutely adorable! that's what she is!

*get used to spending on her, you are a bunny person now, we spoil them! :)
Oh, and one more little question, when I was atthe pet store I bought 2 packages of ceder shavings, is this good forthe bottom of her cage? I don't think she likes it though,and so far she seems to stay on the old towels. (she alsotries to pick them up with her teeth and then crawl underthem!) I think I am going to take the other package back andget another product for the cage, but if is bad for her I will take itall out tonight.

Again thanks for the answers!

Get the cedar out and throw it out! It's very dangerous for her!

There are lots of other options! Many of us really like woodypet whichis very inexpensive and works better than anything else.

*waiting for JimD to appear like magic!*

Hi Hummer and welcome to the forum,

Sounds like a spoiled bunny already.......Hope youhave lots of fun with her. There's alot ofinformation in the post, " A Cheat Sheet forRabbit Care". Just click on to that, and it should helpyou to know your bunny better. You are hooked now!lol

Rainbows! :)

P.S. Cedar is not good for bunnies.......take it out and return it for something else.

I just bumped a thread up that was actually from today but there are probably many more on here.

It's called "Oh... Guess what I read today" by bunny_lover. It is about the cedar problem.
Now I feel bad...I just looked at the package andit says pine shavings.:D Sorry for the false alarm, I amgoing to take the unopened one back though. I don't think shelikes the stuff all that much. But thank you so much for thequick response!

*phew* :D

Woodypet is available at many feed/farm stores like TractorSupply. HUGE bags for like $5.26 (yes mine went up towherever that thread is from Buck I believe).

Carefresh is also a very good bedding and litter for them.

Yesterday's News is as well.

Just some ideas for you. I was in your shoes around the end of August. :)
What did the neighbors use for litter, and whatdid they feed her before. Maybe the new surrounding and allthe new changes might stress the bunny. Just give her quiettime and make her feel secure and she will adjust in no time.I don't use litter on the plastic bottom of our cage.

Rainbows! :)
In the bottom of the cage was maybe 5 pieces ofnot-so-fresh newspaper and they accidently bought guina pigfood. She said she ate it except for thecorn. There was no litter on the bottom,just the pathetic looking newspaper. But so far she seemsreal happy, I have seen her playing with the towel, and Ithink I saw her do a half to full binky!:)
Hello and Welcome. Congratulations! Sheis beautiful. I'm so glad she had you to take her in. She sounds as ifshe is going to be totally spoiled rotten. You are now a bunny slavelol.

Is Miffy Bunny offficially her new name? I love it Binkiesalready...Wow she has settled right in hasn't she. That'swonderful.

Hey and welcome! Your bunny is gorgeous! You weretalkin about your rabbit playing with a towel, my Lilly's mate Stu hashis own towel and he does his business on it and then drags it outside!How gorgeous! Lol. Does any one else have a bunny who does things likethat?

Once you get her weight, let us know.It'sy hard to guess from the photo whether she's very small or moreof a medium sized rabbit. Or perhaps you can photograph her nearsomething that would give us a better idea of her size.

She really has a lot of body features (especially her head) that looklike the Tan breed. Tans were sometimes used to introduce thewideband gene into the Netherland Dwarfs to produce the proper Tancolor in the Netherlands. Her color isn't correct Tan (she'snot a purebred Tan)-- but she could be a Tan x Netherlandcross. That Otter coloration is very common in the NetherlandDwarfs, so I do think she is some type of Nethie cross.




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