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mini lop luva

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
London, , United Kingdom
Hello i thought i might update you about my farmat school we now have calf FIVE 2 massive ones two meduim size ones anda 1 month old baby one they soo cute and it so much fun feeding themand walking them around the padock, brushing them all getting ready forthe kent county show has anyone ever been there ? :D we alsotake pigs,chickens,rabbit, lambs too.:henandchicks: :apollo:

We also been hard working at the lambs coa they are hard work lol.
you have cows at school? thats so cool....i wishwe had stuff like that when i was in school! the lil calves are soocute...last summer on vacation in jamaicai went horsebackriding and this one path we went on had farms on either side and therewere TONS of baby cows!! it was so cute!! the free roaming bulls werekinda scary tho...
stanleysmommy wrote:
That's so cool! I want a cow. Okay so I don't live on a farmbut if I had one I'd name it Biscuit. :D
That is so funny, StanleysMommy, because if I ever got another pet,whether it be cow or bunny, I've always wanted to name itBiscuit! Good taste! :p

Lol yes we have a baby one soo cute but been abit ill bless but she getting better yay, it alot of hard work though iam up the school at 7:45 amtill 5:30 pm so normaly tired andto walk thelambsand to feed them all aswell alot of work all getting ready for the kent show has anyone everbeen there ?
It is and the kent county show is great allgoing agansit the other schools it is great to get experience withanimals as i know when i am older i really want to be with the RSPCAdoes anyone work for that ? xx

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