So we went to the vet today to check out ourlittle babies, Cooper and Honey Bun, and they are quite healthy andhappy but to our surprise we soon discovered that our two sweet littlegirls were actually two boys!!! Honey Bun now has to be called HB! lolI was so worried at first because I thought my roomates rabbit, Cooper,was female... but nope she was a he too! Other than that their firstvet visit was great and the vet is a really nice and considerate man. Iam happy that I found a good vet who knows quite a bit about rabbitsand even the nurses couldn't keep themselves away from our babies!Ihave a question in regards to our two boys. We do plan to get them bothneutered at the age of 6 months (they are 3 months now) but is it ok tokeep them together. There was an earlier post about a pair of malerabbits that are very bonded and do mount each other. Most of thereplies talked about aggressiveness and I was just wondering if theywould be ok together for the next few months? I mean these guys are soclose and they sleep togather and even though they do mount, theyaren't aggressive about it at all! They lick each other before andafter! What does this mean I guess is what I am asking. The surprisethis afternoon sure did surprise us but I just want everyones opinionso both babies stay happy and healthy!!Thank you for all yourhelp,ErinP.S. I tried my hardest to write with paragraphs. I hope thisis better for people to read! I will keep this up for sure!!