our apartment is being sold, worried about our pets...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Alaska, USA
I'm rather worried! We've been renting the same apartment (it's in a triplex rather than a big building) for 3 years now and just signed the lease for another year a month and a half ago. Pet friendly apartments are VERY hard to come by here. Officially pets are not allowed in our apartment except for caged pets. Our pets (bunnies, birds and rats) are caged and are therefore allowed. We specifically chose this apartment because they would let us bring our pets. The current landlords are aware of our pets and are fine with it since we're good renters and never cause them any problems. The thing is though that the owner decided to sell the triplex we live in about a month ago. Tomorrow a realtor is coming by for the first time with potential buyers. I'm afraid that the new owners will not approve of our pets and make us move out. Does anyone know how that works? Do they have to let us stay for the rest of our lease or can they kick us out? I keep the pets clean so that's not an issue, but some people don't like animals regardless.

And not to worry. There's no way our pets would be rehomed because of this. If we do get booted, we'll find a new place to live, even if it's more expensive and less conveniently located (our current place's location is perfect, especially since I don't have a car so need to take the bus everywhere).
Well, since you just renewed your lease, they can't say anything about the pets in your unit until your lease is up for renewal again. Worst case scenario you have a year to figure things out.
If they decide to 'evict' you, you'd have 2 months to move out (some places, the law is 3 months)
But you may be lucky, and the new owners may want to continue renting.
I wouldn't take the chance and wait, though
Your lease will be honored until it runs out. Just make sure everyone is "caged" when the inspection is done. I would definately ask if the new owner will have a problem with the pets. It sounds like at the moment the realtor is just taking a look at things? It could be a long time until your building actually sells.
The only way in most state your pet could be evicted not you. Is if they go across the board. So in turn all three apartments would have to go completely no pets.

Once a landlord lets one person do it they have to let the others. Now he can sign in new leases and not have any pets then when your lease is up you would have to move but if they go across the board when they buy the property. Then they have to give you the option to get out of your lease.

At least in Texas that is how it works.

So no they can not evict you but they could evict the pets.
Kat, evicting the pets would be the same as evicting us- we wouldn't leave without them. I suppose that would mean they could charge us for breaking the lease since technically that's what we'd be doing. I would not be willing to rehome any of our pets though, it would be like rehoming my husband. Not happening!

For the past leases, I made sure they made a note about our caged pets. This time, Paul went to get gas for the car and stopped by the landlord's without me and signed the lease for another year without telling me that's what he was going to do. Of course the first thing I asked when he told me he did that was if he had them make a note on the lease allowing our caged pets because this has always been a big concern for me. He did not ask them to make the note since I wasn't there to remind him. Grr! Not mad at him at all, just the circumstances.

I think I'm just going to call the landlord on Monday and ask.
You have the old copies of the lease with the mentionsof the pets right? It's likely that he will sell and the new owners won't evict you. As mentionned, it could take a while before it sells as well. I'd take a chance and ask your landlord about it. If you feel it may go bad, best you know now and start looking but I do think your lease has to be respected unless the new owners choose to move into your appartment.
Nela, I hope they wouldn't choose to move into ours! I wonder if it's legal in Alaska to kick someone out of their apartment because you want to move into it.

I'm a little irritated. They were supposed to be here at noon and it's 3:15. Paul and I left for about half an hour but we asked the dude in the apartment next to us if they came by and he said no. I have stuff I want to do, but I don't want to do it since people will be coming by. I need to take a shower and I want to do some baking, and I only got a couple hours of sleep last night so I'd love to take a nap. Hurry up, people!

Also, how clean do you think our apartment needs to be when prospective buyers come by? Our apartment is clean as in the pet cages are clean and the dishes are washed and the bathroom is clean and all the good stuff like that but our bedroom is kind of messy. It's an organized mess, if that makes sense. We need to get a storage unit! I tried to tidy it up with the time I had. My family moved all the time when I was growing up and we made sure the house was completely spotless when it was on the market. I do like having a clean house of course, but with short notice of when prospective buyers are coming by and how much time spend at school, it's kind of tough. Is it okay to have a small amount of mess as long as it's not actual dirty mess? I'll make sure to vacuum and have the pet cages cleaned and all that when I know the realtor will be coming by, but does it need to be "model home" tidy?

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