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I LuV MaH BuNs

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Some where, New Jersey, USA
Ouch! When ever we go and open Binkie's cage weget bitten! It hurts, I was thinking about borrowing Lissa's pot andmaking Bunny Stew. Can anyone help me out with Bink's biting problem?


My other question is I took Brindle out the other day and her paws were all cold (both back and front) any ideas?

I LuV MaH BuNs wrote:
Ouch! When ever we go and open Binkie's cage we get bitten!It hurts, I was thinking about borrowing Lissa's pot and making BunnyStew. Can anyone help me out with Bink's bitingproblem?
A pair a thick gloves?;)
Is she spayed? Hitting those terrible teens?
Here's an idea. Have you tried usingtreats? A friend had the same problem and I mentioned treats. Picksomething she really likes. Try to make it healthy. Cut it small.Whenever you put your hand in give her a tiny treat. She soonassociated the hand as a good thing and didn't bite any more. She stillnips on rare occasions but it's not near as bad.

Binkie and I do the dance everyday.

I'm thinking that it's a combo of teenbunnie and territorialism.

No matter what I do, every time I reach into her cage she tries to biteme. She gets in her box and then launches herself accross the cage. Shealso trashes her cage every night and when I try to clean it up shealways freaks. The worst thing she does is dig all of the litter out ofher litter pan. She such a little pain...literally.:X

If I'm fast enough, I reach in and hold her head down. This works, butthen I only have one hand to work with. I'm not sure it's a good ideato have both hands in the cage at the same time. :shock:

I'll be picking up a good pair of leather work gloves. I'm alsothinking of making a partition that I can put in place to keep her onone side of the cage while I work on the other. ;)

I'm especially concerned because we are going on vacation for a weekand one of our neighbor will be tending to the bunnies for us. Icertainly don't want her to get bit. She should wear the gloves atleast.

:~) Jim
ok i admitit im confused here ??? easyenough job to acomplish lol

is I luv mah buns and luv buns the same person

or 2 different people having the same problem with biting ???? :shock:
Calvin bites me on a daily basis it seems now, hegets so pissed when it's time for his meds! Treats're a good idea andmight work for you but Calvin's so upset that he always turns his noseup at the treats. And yeah, ouch, bunny bites hurt!
gypsy wrote:
ok i admit itim confused here ??? easy enoughjob to acomplish lol

is I luv mah buns and luv buns the same person

or 2 different people having the same problem with biting ???? :shock:
LOL... .. it does get a little confusing doesn't it?? :?

I Luv Mah Buns is my daughter. Binkie is our new demonbunnie...
..."run away.. .. run away!".
gypsy wrote:
ok i admit itim confused here ??? easy enoughjob to acomplish lol

is I luv mah buns and luv buns the same person

or 2 different people having the same problem with biting ???? :shock:

And..Yes...luvbuns is also having a download of bunnie bytes.
Poco has always been aggressive when I stick myhand in her cage to give her food (after almost six years you thinkshe'd know I'm not going to take it away!) - I usually put one hand onher back and feed her with the other hand. That way she knows it's meand I'm ready if she tries anything.

She has been more aggressive ever since I got Skittles last month.She's nipped me good a couple of times and I notice it's always whenI've held Skittles first before going to Poco. Jealous!:X

Hef's also been more nippy since we got her, but I think his is more acase of "frustrated teenager" because he's also more humpy. I can'twait for that tax check to get here, cuz then it's snipsnip!:shock::shock:
This morning was the first morning in over a week that Binkie didn't try to bit me.

She trashed her cage last night. Hay all over, emptied her litter pan into her food dish and all over her blankie, etc.

I walked into the room and quietly spoke to her as I opened her cage. Ithen reached in and put my hand on the back of her neck. She laid downand didn't budge the whole time I was straightening up her cage. AfterI finished I let her up. She just kind of blinked at me as if to say"That's it ??? No struggling today ???". I gave her a treat and sheseemed confused, but content.

Now if I could just get her to stop trashing her cage. Or at least stopdigging all the litter out of her litter pan. I gave her a box full ofhay that she loves to dig in and I hoped she would stop digging in herpan, but noooo. Next option is a screen in the litter pan.

Glad to hear that she had a goodmorning!

That's IT! All halos are off!

Here I thought everybunny was being so well behaved and not chewingstuff they're not supposed to. Well, last night I went to get online topay a bill and I kept losing my connection - I'm still in the dark agesof dial-up for now. Well, here I found that SOMEBUNNY had dragged thephone wire under the bed and chewed it in several places - enough thatI can't keep a connection.:X This is the second phone cord in about amonth.

I am SOOOOOO MAD at them right now!!:X:X:X

This is one of those rare times I see the advantage of having only one bun - because then you KNOW who did it!!!

And then they have the nerve to sit there and look all cute and innocent.
BunnyMom wrote:
That's IT! All halos are off!

Here I thought everybunny was being so well behaved and not chewingstuff they're not supposed to. Well, last night I went to get online topay a bill and I kept losing my connection - I'm still in the dark agesof dial-up for now. Well, here I found that SOMEBUNNY had dragged thephone wire under the bed and chewed it in several places - enough thatI can't keep a connection.:X This is the second phone cord in about amonth.

I am SOOOOOO MAD at them right now!!:X:X:X

This is one of those rare times I see the advantage of having only one bun - because then you KNOW who did it!!!

And then they have the nerve to sit there and look all cute and innocent.
"What phone wire??.....Who, me??.....No way!!!"

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