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Elf Mommy

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Elven Grove, Florida, USA
Today, a large wooden chair came slamming down on the baby toe of my right foot.


So, yeah...sigh

I'm gonna be taking a day off tomorrow and calling my doc. Not sure what I can do for it, but I'd rather take care of it now, then be sorry later.

ow ow ow
hey i like your polish , but on the other hand OUCCCCCHHHH i dont think if itis broke they do anything except tape it to the toe next to it.

ouch that looks like it kills!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think he'll do anything either...but it does hurt every time I step down. I'll just stay off of it for a day and see how I feel. hmmmm maybe it's just an excuse to surf the bunny blogs to look at more gorgeous buns. :D
.......:shock: Ow!!

I hope it gets better soon! I'd put lots of ice on that thing if I were you....
My mom always tell me to soak things in hot water for five minutes, then ice water for five minutes, then hot water...etc etc.... for swollen up things like that. But I'm not sure how well it would work on a toe that usually doesn't do a lot of bending and moving around.
Butterfinger wrote:
.......:shock: Ow!!

I hope it gets better soon! I'd put lots of ice on that thing if I were you....
My mom always tell me to soak things in hot water for five minutes, then ice water for five minutes, then hot water...etc etc.... for swollen up things like that. But I'm not sure how well it would work on a toe that usually doesn't do a lot of bending and moving around.
i know when i wrench my back out they tell me to ice it then put heat on it then ice it then heat for the first 24-38 hours i dont know if that is for muscles only, looking at your toe i dont think it would hurt it,lol.
Ouch! That hurts just looking at it. When I broke my toes playing soccer, I was told to use heat for 15 minutes followed by cold for 15 minutes. It helped a little with the swelling. Hope it heals quickly.
Ouch! How many four letter words did you yell when that happened?

A few years ago, I tripped over my husbands stupid boot in the middle of the night and broke my baby toe.

I just taped it to the next toe and waited for it to get better. If you tape, don't make it too tight. It needs circulation.

Hope you feel better soon.
OMG you guys, I didn't even look at this thread. I'm sorry bout that happening to you, EM:hug:. How'd it turn out? How ya doin with it?

The night before Thanksgiving I dropped a soup can on my big toe:shock:, the sharper part hit right at my toenail and cuticle.:grumpy::tantrum: It's almost two weeks and it's bluuuuuue still:shock:. Hope I don't lose the nail...:?
oh, OW! I think I would utter every "alternative" word under the sun if that happened to me! Hope it feels better soon! :hug1
Well, it's not broken, just horribly bruised. I just have to baby it. Sigh...I almost wish that it was broken, because I don't want to catch hell from my principal.

Ouch, It hurts me just to look at it and you have to live with it.

My mom actually did something like that to her toe, But it wasent as bad although they told her it was actually broken.

Hope it heals well and soon:nurse:
Pet_Bunny wrote:
I know how uncomfortable foot pains can be. I ran marathons and lost some toe nails from the training. :running bunny
:shock: h..ho...how?
okiron wrote:
:shock: h..ho...how?

From the constant running and the beating the foot gets. I would get blisters and the top of my toes would rub on the shoes. Plantar fasciitis was a major problem as I have flat feet.

Proper shoes and fit is very important. Iwore custom insoles.

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