Other Pets

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2008
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Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA
I don't know if there has been a post like this before, but here is an area to share your other four-legged, feathered, or scaly friends! I have seen a dog post before, but not one for every other critter! I will be adding my pictures when I get home from work tonight. Post away! :)

Two male Zebra Finches - Meepers and Psycho

Two Robo Dwarf Hamsters - Ms. Peepers and Scooter

One Russian Dwarf Hamster - Squishy

Two Fish Tanks - 46-gallon Freshwater and 15-gallon Saltwater.
Good idea! That's interesting that you have finches, what are they like? I love dwarf hamsters, I've had... 5. All but one were really sweet, even the mean one calmed down in her old age! Someday I'd love to have more.

As for my pets, other than the bunnies we have a pair of cockatiels named Arthur and Poppet. Arthur is 10 years old (I've had him since right after he was weaned) and Poppet is at least 8 months old. They're both adorable and silly and very much in love with each other.

Arthur is the gray one and Poppet is the yellow one:


We don't have him yet, but probably in October or so of this year we'll be getting a Blue Headed Pionus parrot. I've been fascinated by this species of parrot since I met one at the pet store when I got Arthur. I've been posting on a Pionus forum for a few months now and reading up about them. I'm really excited! We have to wait until around October because the future parents of our little darling usually only lay one clutch per year around July. This is what a Blue Headed Pionus looks like:


Shiloh I love your birds! Good luck with your new addition and please send in pictures. We just got our first Kakarikis which are a NZ Parakeet, and I love them. We are hoping to later add a Conure and maybe a Rosella. We were looking to start with a smaller parrot but fell in love with these guys, and ended up with 4 instead of 1 lol. I'll have to download some pictures to share.

Hope it's warming up for you!

We have dozens of other pets. Sheep, goats, horses, Llamas, Prairie dogs, chickens, turkeys (they are pets too), 3 dogs, one cat with a bad attitude... four Kakarikis....

kherrmann3 can't wait to see your pictures :)
I have a dog! His name is Kim. He lives with my parents, about a mile away. He's.... 14 now, and his age is definitely showing :( He has cushing's disease, some sort of mass in his liver, bad arthritis and he slipped a disc in his back a few months ago and is carried up and down the stairs sometimes, although he's mostly recovered from that. He's also almost completely deaf and blind :( But, despite all that, he's SO happy. He loves to chase the squirrels in the garden, and he will fetch the ball forever lol.

When I still lived at home, or went back to stay, he would sleep on my bed every night. If I made him move off, to get some space back, he'd hop down, run out the door, to the end of the hallway, turn round and come straight back again. He loved to sleep right next to me with his head on my pillow lol! When I moved out, he still slept on my bed every night, and still does to this day! :)

Here is Kim (a he, despite the name! My mum named him after the book)



trailsend wrote:
Shiloh I love your birds! Good luck with your new addition and please send in pictures. We just got our first Kakarikis which are a NZ Parakeet, and I love them.
Is the kakarikis green? I've never heard of one, but kakariki means green in Maori. I must go google!

I've got 2 rats:


And the msot awesome cat in the world, Brewster!


I gots my eyes on u:


OK, I'm back from work! Here are some pictures! :p

Two male Zebra Finches - Meepers and Psycho (Meepers on Left, Psycho on Right).

Two Robo Dwarf Hamsters - Ms. Peepers and Scooter

One Russian Dwarf Hamster - Squishy

Two Fish Tanks - 46-gallon Freshwater and 15-gallon Saltwater.
Here is the Freshwater. I am too lazy to get a pic of the Saltwater one right now...

Two Male Bettas - Little Fish Guy (Red) and Oscar (Blue)
Little Fish Guy

This is Oscar. It's a bad picture, but it's hard to get a picture of a fish in a round bowl!

Better picture of his colors.

SnowyShiloh wrote:
That's interesting that you have finches, what are they like?
I love them! I love their cute little "beep" noises that they make. Being that I have two males, they also sing. It's kind of an annoying little song, but it grows on you... Almost like a tumor. They have a variety of beeps, whistles, chirps, and their song. Only the males sing (I have two) and the song is passed down from father-birdie to son-birdie. Being that both of mine have the same song, I assume that they are brothers. Each family has a slightly different song.

They are good pets, not as loud as a parakeet/budgerigar, but they can be annoying when you are trying to watch a movie and they won't shut up! You can cover them and they'll be quiet. They aren't too messy. I recommend covered feed cups for them. They mostly get the spray millet on the floor. They also leave little feathers under their cage. Oh, they like to poop on everything, too.

I will get a video of them making their noises. That way, everyone can get an idea of what their song is like. I never knew that they made noises other than "beep".
NZminilops wrote:
trailsend wrote:
Shiloh I love your birds! Good luck with your new addition and please send in pictures. We just got our first Kakarikis which are a NZ Parakeet, and I love them.
Is the kakarikis green? I've never heard of one, but kakariki means green in Maori. I must go google!

I think, Kakariki is the long name for Kaka's those cheeky little buggers up at the ski fields. They like nick your food and pick at the rubber seals around your windows lol.

Well, I ddn't post in the other pets thread, so I'll post here.
In addition to the 3 rabbits, I have a redfoot tortoise named Rosie. She was a gift from an ex-boyfriend, about 5 years ago, she was about a year old when I got her.

I am ashamed to admit that, for the last year, she didn't receive the care she should have gotten. Right before Christmas, I noticed she had a sore spot on the back of her neck, and she was making wheezing noises, a little moisture on her nose. I had a lot of feelings of guilt, because it was my fault that she was sick. I also felt like a HUGE hypocrite, trying to find homes for unwanted bunnies but not taking proper care of my tortoise.

For a few days, I considered re-homing her, to someone who could give her better care. After making a few contacts, I talked it over with Jason. He reminded me that when I got her, I made a commitment to take care of her. He helped me out with money to take her to the vet, and I was happy to discover that my bunnie's vet also sees tortoises, and he was very good with her. The sore turned out to be an injury, she probably fell and hit it against her shell. It has now healed very nicely. A series of antibiotic injections took care of the respiratory infection.

One of my New Year's resolutions this year was to Do Right By Rosie.
She's doing much better now. :) I don't have a photo right now, I'll post one later.

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