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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2008
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Owingsville, Kentucky, USA
I haven't noticed a posting about this but what kinds of pets do people have, other than the bunnies?

I've got my old Husky/Black lab girl Magic. Though a whopping 68 pounds, she's terrifed of my rabbits and runs from them. Blaze thumped her tail many years ago when he was just a baby and she's been scared since then. I don't have to worry about her bothering them.

Phoenix- I got him from a friend that couldn't keep him any longer for he served her no purpose and she wanted to get a new show horse, so she asked me if i could take him and let him live out his life in some more peace than what her farm(just outside of NYC) had to offer him and leaving her the money to board her new show horse. "That Darn Impressive".ishis registered name. He just turned 25 on the 26th and he's a registered Appaloosa(THough he's solid, no spots)15.3 HH solid red dun. I just trail ride and i might actually take him to the local fair for the gymkhana next year.

Jasmine-I got her from the same friend, who a friend of her father rescued her at 300 pounds underweight. WHen that women couldn't keep her, gave her to my friend's father and board was too expensive so he asked his daughter to find her a good home. She said to me she was shipping me a horse, but she'd need work. I got her and her vet stuff came with her and She's contracted UVeitis in both eyes and is slowly going blind and I've finally got her a bit chubby as well(Took me 2 years)She still has a hard time keeping weight in the winter, but I'm trying a diff. suppliment this winter. She's a bay, 14.3 HH arabian mare. "All That Jazz" is her registered name. SHe's trained in dressage, hates my western saddleand isn't fond of bareback. I'm going to try training her to drive.

Well that's my other loves of my life. I have no other human love, i'm completely single, i wouldn't be if i could marry my horse.

I have one dog; He's an Aussie Shep, he's my older sisters' but he lives with us. Me and my sister pay the most attention to him and he goes outside with us to do the bunny chores, and won't go out for anyone else, hehe.

I have 3 betta fish, Rainbeau, Rosie & Zelda. They live in tanks on a shelf in my room.

I have two Sheep. They're purebred, both Suffolk ewes (girls). They are big puppies pretty much, mostly Macey. Lissie is a scaredy girl, but she's gotten better. They like to play soccer. They aren't really halter trained yet, and were supposed to be my show lambs, but if I can't get them trained in time, then I'll just have to keep working until they are.

Other than that, there's 7 cats that are around. 4 belong to my older sisters, and the other three are ours. I have one cat, Charlie; My sister has Blue and my mom has Sophie. :)

I lease a horse (and haven't seen her in forever! I'm hopefully gonna go see her in Jan sometime.) and she's an Appaloosa mix. She's 23 year old. I ride her western, english and bareback. Do some trail riding, barrel racing and jumping. She's mostly just a pleasure horse, hehe, but she does lots of things. :)

We have 2 labs, black lab Lilo and yellow lab Bella. They will both be 6 in Feb. We got them from 2 different breeders but their b-days are only a day apart. Lilo's is on valentines day and bella's is the day after.
Okay, I have..

A black lab, named Sadie. She is around, oh I'd say 6 or 7 years old. She is a very wild one. :DShe enjoys following me out to feed the rabbits, and she likes eating the rabbit food that I drop. ;)

I have 2 cats, Katie and Kekey. They are both Tabbys. Katie is around 3 or 4 years old and is very lazy. Kekey is 15 or 16, she is very old. She love going outside and messing around out there.

I also have 2 maltese dogs names Daisy and Howie. Daisy is a very spunky and wild girl. She is 9 months old, and she already thinks she is queen of the world. Hehe. Howie is our newest additon. He is Daisy's younger brother and he is 8 weeks old. He is very calm and but he is a cry baby! Hehe, BSAR and BlueSky should know that!

I have a small zoo that I've acquired over the years. I wasn't allowed to have pets when I was younger so i'm making up for lost time.

I have a dog named Barkley. He is a Bichon/cocker and is 6 1/2. He is the family's dog but I do all his care/training.

I have a Box turtle named Petry. He is about 25yo. I got him about 7 years ago from this girl that was going to dump him because she was moving. He was in bad shape when I got him. His shell was peeling, his nails were so long his toes were deformed, his skin is transparent from bad nutrition and his beak was so over grown he couldn't eat. Poor little guy :( But he is doing much better now. His deformaties are permanant but he is in much better health and is happy as can be :)

I have a hamster named MC Hamster. I kind of got him by accident. Last year I went to the petstore to get some litter and my friend was working there. She brought over this box with the hamster in it. A lady had just returned it saying it had a tumor and wanted a new one. The hamster was perfectly healthy but since the lady said it was sick it couldn't go back with the other hamsters for sale. It had to go in the "sick tank" in the back of the store. My friend said I had to take it because if she put it in there with the sick hamsters it would probably die. So being the sucker I am I agreed to take him home. Its been a year and his "tumor" has never caused any problems. :p

I also have 10 aquariums with too many fish to count.

Last but not least is Gimpy my bunny!

I have 2 dogs. My dog is Maggie, she's *we think* and chow/german shepard mix. I found her under my car when she was 6 weeks old, it was Super Bowl weekend 2001. She just turned 8 in November. She'll always be my first baby, whether I have kids or not, she's been with me since I was 19. She had glaucoma really bad and had to have her eyes removed in Sept. Below is one of my fav pics of her.

My other dog is Jazmin. She's really my boyfriend's dog, but I adopted her when he moved in with me 3 1/2 years ago. She's *again, we think* a rottie/german sheppard mix. She just turned 5 on Sept. 11th.





we have two cats, Pickles, 11(almost) and Prince, 7 1/2(my heart baby). they're both fixed males and act like brothers, it's so cute. Pickles grooms Prince:p

and i have a 12 gallon freshwater fish tank with two angels(Lily, white and Lizzi, calico who is named after one of my friend's cats. i don't know why he named her Lizzie, but i got boarded with finding a name, so.........:D), two blue danios and three panda corys.
if it was up to me we'd have geckos, mice, gerbils and birds. and probably more....my mom says if it was up to me our house would be an ark:shock::biggrin2:
I have a dog, called Heidi, she's 14 and was found in a plastic bag, she was the only puppy alive. She's a mongrel, she's a terrier with wire hair.

I have 2 cats but I might aswell own a third. We have a big problem with aferal colony of black and white cats, and one became tame and now hangs around outside my house alot. Their names are Roxy, Kitten and Tom.

I had two ducks but a fox took my drake yesterday evening :(So now I just have one lonely duck that I have to get a friend for soon.

I have chickens too, three roosters and 5 hens.
Well we have a farm, so we have lots of critters. We have three dogs, a Chihuahua, Great Pyreness, and hound/spaniel mix. We have a very large rabbit herd... two Prairie dogs, sheep (one is blind, we bottle raised him), goats, horses, a Llama, chickens, two turkeys, and we are hoping to add a parrot in the New Year :)Life would not be the same without our animals - it would be so boring! :)Oh, we have one cat too!
Sounds like everyone has their own little menageries! :)

Here are my other pets:
- Two Roborovskii Dwarf Hamsters - Scooter & Miss Peepers
- One Russian Dwarf Hamster - Squishy
- Two Male Zebra Finches - Meepers and Psycho
- Two Male Betta Fishies - Oscar and Little Fish Guy
- Two Fish Tanks
- One 46-Gallon Freshwater
- One 15-Gallon Saltwater
I have...

1 dog: Sammy...1 year old black & tan Doxie/Min Pin mix.
2 kitties: Juju...2 year old black Siamese mix who has Poly toes. I also have Tibi...6 month old grey/white DSH.
11 rats (maybe 13): I have two old boys (Spartan and Ralphie). I also have an adult female (Spice) who gave birth (accidental) to 10 babies this month. This means, if the 2 females who are supposed to go to a new home don't go as planned, I will have 13 rats!

...and the 3 bunny boys :).
Wow my animal family seems so small compared to the rest of you.

I have a cat Tbone who is a proud 19.5 years old (got her when she was 5 weeks old and still going strong); did have "Venom"who I thought to be a Black Widow spider that I found under one of my potted plants and kept in a jar until the BF got home to dispose of "him" (sexed/identified him through Google), but then grew fascinated and bought him a terrarium to live in and fed him crickets - "he" kept having babies so not sureif he was just a weird "garden spider"- but anyhow.he died a few months back at the ripe old age of 8 months (read in the "wild" they live for 100 days - so feel pretty good about his time with me)..

So now just down to the bun and kitty..

Besides our wabbitherd of 16, we have :

2 cats - Buddy, who is solid black with green eyes (We call him Itty Bitty Panther Kitty because he likes to slink around and hunt in our back yard.) and Rosie, a fat silver tabby who isa scaredy cat, but very sweet.

2 dogs - Jake, a rat terrier whoneeds doggie Prozac (he is OBSESSED with guarding his fooddish), andCharlie, a nominee for the WORLD'S MOST ANNOYING DOG. He gets into everything, tears things up, peesin thehouse whenever we have visitors, hates to go outside in the rainso pees in the house instead, and generally tries to grab any food off of the kitchen counter or dining room tablethat he can reach. He's 4 years old and has ingested, among other things, an entire package of Double Stuff Oreos in 1 sitting, a whole chicken drumstick (glump! right down the gullet), left over pizza wrapped in a napkin - napkin and all, 5 Hershey candy bars at one time, crayons, and part of my brand new couch. If my 17 year old wasn't absolutely in love with this dog, he would have come up mysteriously missing a long time ago.

We used to have a 3rd cat, Duster, who was almost the size of our Flemmies. He was dusty gray, with golden eyes, long, long hair and an exceptionally poofy tail. His paws were HUGE,and so was his stomach. He bullied our other 2 cats, but was scared of our rabbits. I loved him so much! I cried and cried when he died at the young age of 2 1/2.
We've lost a couple this year and gained a couple.

First we have:

  • Sydney - 6 year old Australian Shepherd {black and white)
  • KC Dawwwg - 15 year old lab mix (black and...... going white lol)
  • Tankerboy aka TANK - 8 year old main coon (tabby)
  • Diesel - 7 mo old brat kitten (seal point? Siberian?)
  • Catalina - 9 month old boer goat (brown and white)
  • Pepolena Express (Pokie) - 9 year old red dunn quarter horse mare
  • Dakota Chex Fisher (Kota, Bug) -6 year old chestnut quarter horse gelding
  • Can't miss the 3 bunnies even though it's for other pets! :)
wabbitmom12 wrote:
2 dogs - Jake, a rat terrier whoneeds doggie Prozac (he is OBSESSED with guarding his fooddish), andCharlie, a nominee for the WORLD'S MOST ANNOYING DOG. He gets into everything, tears things up, peesin thehouse whenever we have visitors, hates to go outside in the rainso pees in the house instead, and generally tries to grab any food off of the kitchen counter or dining room tablethat he can reach. He's 4 years old and has ingested, among other things, an entire package of Double Stuff Oreos in 1 sitting, a whole chicken drumstick (glump! right down the gullet), left over pizza wrapped in a napkin - napkin and all, 5 Hershey candy bars at one time, crayons, and part of my brand new couch. If my 17 year old wasn't absolutely in love with this dog, he would have come up mysteriously missing a long time ago.
Sounds like you need a visit from Ceaser Milan!!!

My mom has a rat terrier......... they all need prozac!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
KC Dawwwg - 15 year old lab mix (black and...... going white lol)
Wow! That's pretty old for a large(r) dog! I thought they only lived 10-11 years? I could be wrong. My neighbor's Golden Retriever lived to be 13 and we all called him Methuselah!

I also agree that Rat Terriers need doggy Prozac, or a good bump on the noggin to knock them out! When I worked at Petland, the only dogs that I was "afraid" to work with were the Rat Terriers. They would always be put in the top kennels (for whatever ungodly reason) and they would always jump out. I had one topple over and land down my work shirt! THAT was AWKWARD! Yes, I know places like Petland are evil, but I needed the money BADLY, and that was the only place hiring.
kherrmann3 wrote:
I also agree that Rat Terriers need doggy Prozac, or a good bump on the noggin to knock them out!
LOL! Yeah, we should rock them to sleep....with a real rock!! (For those of you who take things too seriously, I'M JOKING!!)

Actually, our Jake is the dog I love, even if he is high strung at times. He's also obedient (except about the food dish guarding, grrrrr) and very, very bright. Besides, he has to be my favorite, because Charlie is such a doofus.

Bo B Bunny - Yeah, sign me up for Ceaser Milan!!! I need some serious help!!!!!!

undergunfire wrote:
..............I also have an adult female (Spice) who gave birth (accidental) to 10 babies this month. This means, if the 2 females who are supposed to go to a new home don't go as planned, I will have 13 rats!

who's the daddy? i thought all your boys were fixed......maybe i'm wrong:p
LadyBug wrote:
undergunfire wrote:
..............I also have an adult female (Spice) who gave birth (accidental) to 10 babies this month. This means, if the 2 females who are supposed to go to a new home don't go as planned, I will have 13 rats!

who's the daddy? i thought all your boys were fixed......maybe i'm wrong:p

I have a whole thread about it, connected onto the thread when my foster (Mint) had 7 babies.

Ralphie is the father and only one of my boys is fixed (Spartan). I only have 2 adult males left of my little colony now. I will be keeping the 4 boys in the accidental litter and getting them neutered, for sure.

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