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Retired Moderator
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, SC, USA
Imanage a pet store and I know howterrible that can be to pet enthusiast, but it is a small store and wetry to run it in the best interest of the animals, not ourpockets. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knows any goodferret forums. I believe that having informed customers isthe best thing and it is part of my job to inform them. Ihave several customers with ferrets and while I can answer most oftheir questions, I'm finding some that I can't. I haveferrets also and have some questions of my own. I have beenlooking, but can't seem to find any with the level of knowledge I wouldlike to find. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
How cool is that? We have a member whostarted working in a pet store in the not too distantpast, achain store, I believe. She informed us of how the staffseemed genuinely interested in their animals and how pleasedshe was to be working there. Even had an "argument" with herhigh school teacher about the relative merits of the place she workedfor.

My point is, many pet/animal oriented organizations tend todenigrate the industry. Our member's supportive stancecertainly opened my eyes to the perspective that not all pet stores aremotived by the bottom line.

I, for one, welcome your presence here for the valuable perspective(s)you can provide us from "the opposite side of the counter," so to speak.

After all that, I must confess that I know almost nil about ferrets,but other members here got me through a week of "ferret sitting" anerrant ferret who had escaped from a neighbor's basement when they leftfor a major funeral. Both, we and the ferret survived,though. LOL

Welcome to the Forum!


Warmest Welcome, Cirrustwl, :)

It's wonderful to find a pet store that cares about what happens to theanimals and their owners after the purchase has been made.

Don't know of any ferret forums, I'm afraid, but we have had more than a few of our own members familiar with them.

When Buck Jones rescued a run-away ferret last fall, many stepped up to to plate to help out.

I'll bump up the post. In there, you'll find a couple of our membersthat have had them. I know another member had gotten a couple a fewmonths ago. He'd be quite interested to talk to ferret enthusiasts.

Perhaps they know of a forum to direct you to.

Hey I just found your old post about finding aferret, very funny! But in case you have that same situationever again....no fruits or veggies for ferrets. They areobligate carnivores and can only digest protien and fat. Theycan't handle carbs. Kitten food is ok, but not dog/puppy, ithas too many veggies.

I'm still laughing about a little ferret running around the yard loose...hopefully it is now under lock and key. :D
Yes, Carolyn, our moderator, brought that thread back to the forefront specifically for you!

We did get the ferret back to her owners, eventually, when theyreturned a week later from the funeral. The ferret's humanDad's father had died, hence accounting forthe family's longabsence from the home and their hurried exit initially, leading to MissFerret's escape.

Thanks for the ferret feeding tips. I was able to procureferret food from a local pet store, gratis, after store personnelunderstood the situation, so she ate well, and substantially.Another kudos for a pet store motivated by humanitarian concerns, andnot simply profit, as the ferret food was expensive.

The family has since moved and I doubt I will have to face the alarmingprospect of greeting another ferret in my rabbit-ridden backyard, thankyou!


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