The main problem, as I see it, is that we are using up our fossil fuels
faster than it was "made". Soon, there won't be any prophane gas
or oil, for that matter. Think about it, how many coal mines are still
in production? Charcoal is made from wood....our forests are being
destroyed.......for lumber, charcoal, paper, etc.. Developments are
being built by destroying the wooded areas that they are being built
on. Why? Could it be because our generation has become so lazy
that we don't want to deal with the leaves? And what becomes of
the leaves that we do have on our properties? Hauled away?!!!!
It's that unwanted leaf matter that makes our soil rich! It should be
worked back into the ground...not hauled away. A tree should be
planted on every property for every person that lives there. IMO.
I've done it.....I have tooo many trees!!! I have lots of rabbits, they
need oxygen, too.
As long as we keep buying cars that use a gallon of gas to drive
around the block, the price of gas/oil will continue to rise. Stop
buying them........bigger is not always better!!!
Demand the "hybrids" from OUR car manufacturers. Foreign
auto makers have been building them for years. Are they smarter
than us?
Demand the utility companys to use of solar & wind powered energy.
Do your part, don't just complain about these things that we can....
if we take the initiative....control.