OT: Energy Bills

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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2004
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Just wondering how the rest of the country isdoing with natural gas prices. Jason and I were shocked tosee that our energy bill had nearly tripled since November.Our latest bill was $244. :X Anyone elseexperiencing an increase?
Guess who? My husband, Jim, is fit to be tied asour property taxes are exorbitant and the gas istoo. He would like to leave Wi. but my parents are elderlyand I'm not leaving them.
You are crazy using base board heat. Never usethat cause it will jack up your elec. WE have not had our gas on sincewe moved into our new apt. It has been off we only had it on for2nights and our temps had been in the 20 and teens as well.
It is long and skinny that lays right up againstyour baseboard. You use your electric for that. Very exspensive to runit. We did one year and our elec was so high that we could not catch upand our Church helped us pay 1000 dollars
I don't have baseboard heat - I was just commenting that electric heating might be cheaper in comparison to the new gas rates...

Baseboard heat is a little electric heater in each room near to thefloor, usually by a window. It is nice because each room hasit's own thermostat. Electric heating is notorious for beingunaffordable. But look at these gas rates! yikes!

We keep our house about 65 F here, with blankets all over the place.

I'dactually prefer to get a fireplace insert, really.
AmberNBuns wrote:
We keep our house about 65 F here, with blankets all over the place.

I'm kind of a new home owner. How do blankets help with heat?
We live in a rural rocky and hillyarea. There aren't any gas or water lines laid where welive. There was a natural gas well dug on the 'back 40' backin the 1920's when this was a working farm. We share the wellwith a neighbor so gas doesn't cost us anything. It doesrequire monthly maintenance and cleaning and we are responsible forthousands of feet of pipeline from the well to our houses. Ifthe pipiline collapses, we have to replace ourselves. Sincethe gas comes off the well unrefined, the furnaces need to be cleanedand vacuumed out twice every winter.We share themaintenance costs and work with our neighbor as well.

It a really great deal except for the one coldest January on recordwhen the old metal gas line collpased. OMG! No gasto heat or cook in dire cold was really difficult and primitiveliving. We had to get a temporary pipeline til the groundthawed in in April. The joys of rural living - the newpipeline and safety devices were very expensive....
When I moved to my apartment a little over ayear ago.. We had a option for heat included and it has been so nice..35 extra on rent and we can have it as warm as we like. :)

I just paid $320 for 150 gallons of oil. I have baseboard heating
and I think it is better than the "forced hot air" system. Unlike the
forced hot air system, the hot water baseboard stays warmer long
after the furnace turns off.....and, the house stays warmer because
the walls are warmed. I remember when we moved from NYC to
Staten Island when I was 12....in NYC we had steam heat (wonderful!!).
The house we moved into had forced hot air heating (??). As soon
as the furnace turned off, the house froze!!! The walls never got warm.
Jeez!!! I had never been that cold, indoors!!!
we cut alot of wood..have large piles of it onthe basement proch, so we been using the wood stove... and it usuallykeeps the house way to warm...we have to open windows sometimes
Department of Energy analysts have blamed the high prices on a rise incrude oil costs, caused by growing worldwide demand and economicinstability in the conflict-ridden Middle East.
BS atop BS. :disgust:
The main problem, as I see it, is that we are using up our fossil fuels
faster than it was "made". Soon, there won't be any prophane gas
or oil, for that matter. Think about it, how many coal mines are still
in production? Charcoal is made from wood....our forests are being
destroyed.......for lumber, charcoal, paper, etc.. Developments are
being built by destroying the wooded areas that they are being built
on. Why? Could it be because our generation has become so lazy
that we don't want to deal with the leaves? And what becomes of
the leaves that we do have on our properties? Hauled away?!!!!
It's that unwanted leaf matter that makes our soil rich! It should be
worked back into the ground...not hauled away. A tree should be
planted on every property for every person that lives there. IMO.
I've done it.....I have tooo many trees!!! I have lots of rabbits, they
need oxygen, too.

As long as we keep buying cars that use a gallon of gas to drive
around the block, the price of gas/oil will continue to rise. Stop
buying them........bigger is not always better!!!

Demand the "hybrids" from OUR car manufacturers. Foreign
auto makers have been building them for years. Are they smarter
than us?

Demand the utility companys to use of solar & wind powered energy.


Do your part, don't just complain about these things that we can....
if we take the initiative....control.
Our winter has been very mild so far. :)

Natural gas did go up, but our provincialgovernment is rebating any amount over a set limit.Also every Albertan is getting a prosperity cheque of$400.00 from the Oil Profits that Alberta made recently.

Still I put plastic over my windows and draft proofthe house. In areas of the house that wedon't use, we keep the door closed and let that area staycooler. In areas we are active in, I have smallerportable heaters to add to the warmth in that room.

Rainbows! :D

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