I have an orphaned bunny - approximately 2 daysold. Has anyone had any luck in saving one? I gaveit some small animal milk replacer and collected fur to nest it in.
Domesticated: Take the mother out of hercage and flip her on her side or upside down and place the baby on herto feed. I had to do this with all 5 of my babies and the all survived(except two but they died of unrelated causes )
Wild: Put the baby back where you found it, and the mother will take the baby back.
Is this a wild bunny? If so, I wouldtry to find a wildlife refuge, they will know exactly what to do andhow to take care of it and prepare it to be released back into the wild.
What bottle feeding a baby place a drop offormula on your finger and let the baby lick it off, that way there isless of a chance that it will aspirate it. Bottle feeding is dangerousso take your time when doing it
Just remember tofeed slowly and be sureto stimulate it to go potty , use asoft cloth and warm water to stimulate ,I hate to say this but itschances of survival and hand feeding areso slim , I truelywish you luck hon , keepus posted please and if we canbe of more helpplease yell , we will help youas much as we know how.
Oh, my, that poor baby! Saphy, whosealso a mini rex,was orphaned. His mommy died andleft 5 kits, 3 survived. I knew his breeder from the laststore I managed. She called me and I hooked her up with myvet. She gave me Saphy for helping her out. I'llcall her and see what she suggests.