Ordered a bag of Woody Pet online

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
Found out my sister is coming up from Delaware this weekend.

Can ya guess what I asked her to get for me ($5.13 a bag)?:D
Wow! Ordering online isn't theanswer. Did you contact the company, Lynda, and see ifthere's a place closer to you that you can get it from?

Places I found are about an hour from me. Since I don't drive.....

Igot online just to try it before ordering the family not tolet my sis in their homes unless she's got a couple bags forme....tractor supply co. islike 5-10 minutes from herhouse:cool:
It came to $21.38 w/shipping????? :shock:


****jim thinks to self.*****.....Lemme see now. If I buy a bag for$4.79..... I can buy $15 gas for my car....and break evenmaking a delivery 100 miles away. Additional bags would be all profit.

I am going to see if i have a tractor supplycompany near me.. I keep wishing i could try this stuff. Isee commercials for the place but that dont really mean much.

Lynda wrote:
Igot online just to try it before ordering thefamily not to let my sis in their homes unless she's got a couple bagsfor me....tractor supply co. islike 5-10 minutes from herhouse:cool:

Have her bringat least3 or4bags. :) People in the TSC near me buythe stuff by the pallet. We've got a lot of horse stableshere.


I paid $18.00 a bag for Yesterday's News and it only lasts for a month.

With Woody Pet I paid $4.95 andstill haven't finished the first bag since February. It mightlast me 2and a halfmonths. :D

You are still way ahead with Woody Pet.

BTW.....Did you try the vinegar on Snuggles feet yet?

Rainbows! :)
The wonderful lil locally owned petstore I go tois going to look into getting Woody Pet for me...**mental note to self,need to check on that**...They are GREAT about getting things onrequest.....So I gave her the website and she was gonna look into it!Keeping my fingers crossed..otherwise its about 25 miles away....whichI'll do when the aspen is gone if I have to...but the other place isright up the road from work!
I considered ordering Woody Pet online, but theshipping cost was just too much. So, I think I'm going towait until I'm able to get to the nearest dealer that carriesit...which hopefully will be sometime this Summer. :D

PuterGeekGirl wrote:
The wonderful lil locally owned petstore I go to is going tolook into getting Woody Pet for me...**mental note to self, need tocheck on that**...They are GREAT about getting things on request.....SoI gave her the website and she was gonna look into it! Keeping myfingers crossed..otherwise its about 25 miles away....which I'll dowhen the aspen is gone if I have to...but the other place is right upthe road from work!

Give her Dave Jr.'s contact info and tell her to mention that you arefrom the Rabbits Only Forum. Here's what Dave offered to us....

"If anyone in this fine rabbit forum has anyquestions regarding Woody Pet Professional Animal Bedding, please emailme direct or call the Woody Pet toll free number. We will be more thanhappy to answer any questions or direct you to aWoody Pet Beddingoutlet. (hopefully in your area)

Dave Jr.

Woody Pet Products Inc

[email protected]

888-535-9816 toll free"

Whats so great about this bedding??? I have beenusing carefresh for my animals and i like it fine... I found a dealerin my area.. I thinkit might have shutdown though...closestplace after that is an hour drive i think....

Hi Honeybunnie8,

Carefresh cost me $4.99 for a 10 literpackage. Once it got wet, it stayed wet, so beingdamp wasn't good for the bunny's skin. Also I foundit gets dusty on the bottom of the litter box.

Woody Pet cost $4.95 for a 30 lb.bag. When it gets wet it expands in size, and gets fluffedup, so it gets to dry out. It absorbs moisture andsmell very well.

Have you looked at new bunnies yet?

Rainbows! :)
I have looked at bunnies, but I am hopeing to getone from HRS in my area. I emailed them but I havent heard back. Ithink they are reorganizating. My chin seems a little bit lonley.:(

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