orchids, african violets & terrariums

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Orlando, Florida, USA
i researched dart frogs. i asked mom if i could get one. she said no. but i've kinda warmed up to the whole plants in my room idea, sooooo

i want some sort of small garden in a dish(or fish tank). right now i'm thinking ten gallon fish tank with a orchid and a african violet. or maybe a little pot within a big clear vase on large river stones for the orchid. i really don't know what i want:p! but i really want either(hopefully both)a orchid or a african violet, two plants i love but haven't been able to grow, thanks to Prince taking over my window(and me letting him:D). i really don't have a clue what to do:?, i'm hoping some one can help me. of course i'll also be asking the live in gardener(Mom:D)what she thinks too. and prolly hit up G'ma for help too, she's got both. but i wanted some creative ideas(us bunny people are very good with stuff like that:biggrin2:):dude:

thanks guys! i'm about to go crazy here. my room project is about done and it was supposed to have lasted me longer. now i haven't got a project and about to go crazy! waaaaaaaaaay to stressed, LOL!
African Violets are one of my favorites!

I don't know how they'd do in a terrarium though. They don't like moisture on their leafs (thats why so many pots sold for them have bottom watering options) and they don't tolerate the leafs being touched.