My rabbits dont care for bermuda hay too much and mainly soil it and waste it. Throw it around the cage and play with it. Thats the only grass hay available in my area by the bale. I feed my goats orchard/alfalfa mix hay because we cannot get straight orchard grass hay where I am in Florida. Is the orchard/alfalfa mix hay ok to feed? I gave them alittle today and they just about killed me for it. I have 3 brood does, 1 8 week old buck and a buck about a couple years old. They get Seminole Brand show and grow rabbit pellets and I give the does a very small amount of calf manna daily to help with milk production. The hay is more orchard then alfalfa and I have yet to find alfalfa flakes. All I have found is mostly orchard grass and alittle alfalfa stalks. I so wish we could get orchard grass here. I have looked for years now and to no avail. Orchard/alf mix is the closest we can find. And even straight timothy is like looking for a needle in a haystack!......:wink