Opinions/thoughts on the "bailout"

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA
What do y'all think of the bailout that they're trying to do here in the US?

I don't have an opinion yet - well - I sort of do - but I want to read more about what is going on and get a better grasp on the issues involved and why the bailout keeps breaking down....

Art & I were talking about it today though - we heard Bill O'Reilly's talking points about the bailout and the campaign and how this bailout really affects the campaigns...because if we do this bailout (which he agrees we need)- then Obama will not be able to afford all of the government he wants - and McCain will not be able to do all the tax cuts he wants (I don't remember the rest of the details - but he was basically saying something like this sets BOTH campaigns back a bit in what they CAN do from the list of things they wanted to do).

I'm sort of waiting to hear how this bailout will affect their messages (both campaigns) and if they change what they promise to reflect the bailout.

Art & I feel sort of fortunate in the fact that his company is part of Berkshire Hathaway (a mega company which I understand is financially sound I think) - and in the fact that he works with flight simulators that are needed to train the Air Force pilots...so hopefully his job is secure.

But still yet - the whole Wall Street mess and the bailout is sort of a scary thing...so I'm really looking forward to hearing what some of you who might have read more have to say about it...

First, I'll be interested to see the results of the probe into the financial dealings which caused it in the first place.

Regarding the actual bailout - well, I'm not really good with this sort of thing but this I do know - They are talking of bailing out Foreign companies - If those companies do not affect employment of Americans greatly - I wouldn't do it.

Spending Tax payers' money to fix a system the big money people broke - I don't agree with.

I think we need to look at a few things before doing it (although I realize it's urgent, I think we need to find alternative solutions to repaying that debt.)

1. Get the heck out of Iraq - and until we do - the surplus they are using to build a gigantic indoor, a/c building with a ferris wheel in it - could go towards the fees/costs of being there.... They want our help - let them help pay for it.

2. Look at some of the bigger companies that are swooping in to buy up the mess left over when companies fail.... The rich just keep getting richer......

I think there needs to be some serious changes in the insurance/sue-happy parts of the financial scene....

and I understand the big mortgages were to help the economy but here it created HUGE homes that cost enormous amounts of money to maintain - they will begin sitting empty - no doubt.

So with my rambling aside, I don't know much but I'll be interested to see what the boys say as well...... Honestly, I don't think either of them have a lot of knowledge in this area......
I seriously dont understand the full of what is going on , and all the little things in it so i can really say too much as i am not sure. I have been listening and i know i keep hearing the word Depression, and this scares the heck out of me, this is the last thing we all need. Now i dont know that if this bail out doesnt happen are we heading for a depression?

Bo B Bunny

1. Get the heck out of Iraq - and until we do - the surplus they are using to build a gigantic indoor, a/c building with a ferris wheel in it - could go towards the fees/costs of being there.... They want our help - let them help pay for it.>>>>>>>>>>> my husband just told me about this yesterday and i couldnt believe that they were doing this. And amen to that.

i thought this was intersting, shows the proposed bailout cost vs other government funding thinigies:


i think that if this does go though, there has to be some super strict rules for spending the money and a LOT of government oversight, or else we are going to end up in the same position in the future.

The presidental debate should be interesting, to see what mccain and obama say. this kinda throws a wrench in their plans, it will be interesting to hear what they say

me personally, i am an independent. i am a ralph nader fan. i like what he has to say. here are his views on the bailout:[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7aC7CyOP0Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7aC7CyOP0Q[/ame]

i would also like to see a third party in the debates, cause to me, mccain and obama just seem like they have a lot of the same ideas. i haven't done a lot of research, but thats the vibe i am getting.

gonna do more research on this....

oh and not to go off subject, but what do you guys think of that whole equal days pay for equal days work thingie? rediculus! being a woman, i want just as much money as my male counterpart!

ok...gonna do some research, i am finding it hard to see what is actually ON the proposed bill... all i can find is the whole congress drama..
I think the money could have been used in a better way.

Ryan and I were talking about it and aren't sure what to think of it, really. That was a lot of money....it could have fed every starving families in the US forever :p.
swanlake wrote:
wait what is this about a ferris wheel??
They are building a huge ferris wheel *The Eye of Bagdad* and it's going to have a air conditioned chamber that takes you to the top, and I believe there's going to be a golf course, hoteland stuff like that - to regenerize travel/tourism there..... SEVENTY NINE MILLION DOLLAR SURPLUS - while we send our boys and girls to fight, protect, and rebuild their country - they build toys.....
Bo B Bunny wrote:
swanlake wrote:
wait what is this about a ferris wheel??
They are building a huge ferris wheel *The Eye of Bagdad* and it's going to have a air conditioned chamber that takes you to the top, and I believe there's going to be a golf course, hoteland stuff like that - to regenerize travel/tourism there..... SEVENTY NINE MILLION DOLLAR SURPLUS - while we send our boys and girls to fight, protect, and rebuild their country - they build toys.....
Ok I am going to go scream now.
Yeah.... I thought my son was joking when he first told me..... I thought it was a joke and he was about to give a punchline.............

We have kids dying over there!

Our country is in a financial freakin' mess.....

and they are going to have a ferris wheel......
Have to hijack a bit

Here is a ferris wheel article http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D92QQ1NO0&show_article=1

I will be the odd one out I'm sure and say I like this. Why? Because for years I've heard how we, the US, has destroyed the country, how Iraqi's are so much worse off, living in the mud and misery with no running water, etc and it simply wasn't true.

To me, the ferris wheel is proof of a better world and success just as the democratic, free elections were. The faster the country gets on with its business, conducts day to day businessand the people of Iraq take over, the faster our women and men can come home. I am all for the Iraqi's building themselves and their country up.
(PS The Iraqi's themselves are proposing and paying for this, no the US)
Yep, they are using their surplus. I understand it in a way -the ferris wheel - and I knew that the problems weren't as bad as they say - but why should we pay for that? In essence, we are paying because we are spending a whole lot being there. I think if they have $80 billion then maybe they should put that money (or some of it) towards their own security.
If I only I ran the world...

I am hoping since the Surge has been deemed a success (Even Obama agreedduring the O'Reilly interview)that more troopswill becoming home. Quite a number have been able to come home here to Ohio. Some of those will be redeployed to Afghanistan. Of those I know personally, all have volunteered for 3,4 and even 5 tours. I am amazed.

Of course it still amazes me that 60 years after WW2, we have bases in Germany. I am aware of all the NATO agreements and the strategic issues. The last time our gov't brought up the issue of removing bases, the German gov't didn't want this done.

Now, this is coming from someone who 1. is usually republican but has voted democratic (and loves her Dem. Senator Evan Bayh) 2. Someone who originally hated Obama and still isn't real strong in wanting him in office.

As far as the whole debate:

I was rather proud of myself when I was telling my son about it (before the analysts really got to talking and they said very similar things).... I told him that McCain had a very good background and understands/knows/was involved with some of the past military maneuvers in a way more than Obama, and that he talked in those terms where Obama doesn't have as long of experience - but I think McCain doesn't see that we need some change there!

McCain talked about PAST issues/Obama talked about Current situations.... and Obama was the one to bring up how 9/11 was a huge issue that we have sort of dropped to the back burner while dealing with Iraq - WE WERE hurt in 9/11 - we aren't taking care of US. McCain also just repeated things he's said over and over.

McCain came on as very strong - bullyish/grumpy/almost too strong while Obama came off as almost too cordial to McCain in his "I agree with John on this" or "John is right about this part but"..... comments. McCain will no doubt use those comments to his advantage with the real context omitted.

McCain made me want to go do some research on Obama's voting past for tax cuts/spending - but I also want to see BOTH and will be looking into it.

I found it funny that McCain made a comment about spending in the govt - 3 Million to study bear DNA - when Palin requested $3 million for studying seal DNA, and another $2 million or so for crab mating habit studies. (I realize some of these studies actually can and do have impact on some really important things but they are funny!)Which is a contrast to what he and sheare claiming she has done.

I found Obama's comments about the $5000 medical insurance credit McCain wants to put into our taxes - and how it will cause employers to be taxed on the insurance they provide and 1. they will drop it or 2. they will make us pay for it or part of it more than they have.

Obama seemed fresh and strong for the office, McCain seemed old and grumpy for the office, although I think he's honorable in ways.

I can't think of all what I thought right after (it's kinda late and I woke up in the middle of my sleep!) but I want to add these 2 things as sort of a side note here:

1. I'm hearing that CEO's and PRESIDENTS of those companies/banks that are failing just got some huge bonuses right before the crash.....

2. Palin made a complete fool of herself in the interview with Katie Curic. People are joking about her, in shock by her stupidity and talking about how Katie had to talk to her in a slow and descriptive way to try and get her to answer with some sense on a couple of things.

Her idea that she has foreign affair experience because she's located next to Russia, and Alaska is close to Cananda (so is the upper part of the U.S. 48) is histerical! What the heck? Just because I live in Indiana doesn't make me a racecar driver!!!

This woman scares me and a lot of people. As many have pointed out - she's a 72 year old heartbeat away from running our country. She's not ready, she looks stupid in interviews...... it's really bad. I tried to check my feelings and if I was maybe just biased or something but I'm hearing this from all over.....

ALSO: sorry I sort of strayed from the original "bailout" question.

I think it's needed but not the entire thing they are talking ($700 billion)...

LOL on the indiania/racecar thing!

i agree, palin scares me too. i don't like how she doesn't ever state what SHE thinks. and mccain is old--if elected i believe he will be the oldest prez.--and if she had to run the country, i might move to canada!

obama just gives me a weird vibe. i dunno, i just get this not quite good feeling when i see him or hear him speak. i think that he can bring change though.

mccain i like a little better, he is a cute old guy! but i just don't know if he can bring change, he is just a little out of date i think. kinda like ponchos were cool a couple of years ago, but not anymore.

--sorry to stray as well, just had to say some points. i think people my age don't care about how our country is run. four years ago when i was 13 we had a presidental debate and a vote. i debated for nader, and i was the most knowledgeable kid in there. my teacher stopped calling on me to make rebuttals cause i just well, no one could say anything after all the research i did. kids made fun of me and were like "why do you care so much, its not like you can vote" i still can't vote as i am 17, but i still like to be in the know. i was talking with my friend yesterday about the presidental election. she had her views, and i started talking about all this stuff and she was like "wow, you know way more than i do".

I think people have given up hope that the average person CAN make a change. it takes a lot of hard work, but it can be done. I think also a lot of our government have also forgotten that, which is sad.
swanlake wrote:
--sorry to stray as well, just had to say some points. i think people my age don't care about how our country is run. four years ago when i was 13 we had a presidental debate and a vote. i debated for nader, and i was the most knowledgeable kid in there. my teacher stopped calling on me to make rebuttals cause i just well, no one could say anything after all the research i did. kids made fun of me and were like "why do you care so much, its not like you can vote" i still can't vote as i am 17, but i still like to be in the know. i was talking with my friend yesterday about the presidental election. she had her views, and i started talking about all this stuff and she was like "wow, you know way more than i do".

This is me too. Sad thing is that I will be 26 and people I know look at me like I am strange because I know alot. Ugh it is like when I speak alot of blacks and hispanics will ask me... "Why do you talk white?" :grumpy:

We all need to be aware.

I feel the same about McCain - he's not bad but he's just not going to cut the new idea thing - he's so military in thought... and Palin...... scares the heck out of me!

I was listening to Hannity & Colmes tonight on the internet and have a couple of questions that I hope someone can fill me in on....

First of all - I thought it was interesting when they said that they were trying to call some Senators / House Representatives to get them to come on the show - but they couldn't get through because the phone lines were all tied up from the American public calling in - and like 90% of them (I think) said they didn't want this bailout..

But anyway - my question is that they had a Republican on there who was sharing that the Republicans have a plan that many feel would work - but it would not mean having to spend billions of dollars on a bail-out. It has to do with an insurance plan (like the FDIC) and reducing some taxes on the corporations (I forget which tax it was) for a period of time so they could then pay the insurance thing...and I forget what else.

It was very interesting as I heard them speak about it - and how it would not cost the taxpayers nearly as much money.

Does anyone know how I can get more information on this plan? I'm wiped out and can't even think of what to google to find out more or where to go to find out more. (I'm not interested in it just because I'm Republican - I'm interested in it because it is different. I was actually in support of the bailout - grudgingly.)

Also - I thought it was very interesting that 90+ Democrats didn't vote for the plan along with a number of Republicans also....I forget all the actual numbers..but it was nice to know that it wasn't just one party saying no but that people in both parties had concerns..

Anyway - I'm hoping someone can share a link to this other plan...
You might try Fox Business http://www.foxbusiness.com/

I can't get to the GOP or RNC web sites tonight - I am having Internet problems. You could try the GOP site.

I've found John Stossel's comments on the bail out interesting. He is against it. You can google John Stossel bailout and come up with some interesting info.

I am getting a headache - still have this virus so I'm not feeling so great right now. Sorry if I'm not helpful.
Oh carp, you can also check and see if anything has been put on the web sites for your Texas Republican legislators.

Another article of interest. http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/09/26/america/repubs.php
It seems like most of us agree on the fact that this bailout seems extreme! I read that bankruptcy and/or some other options like *loans* or *interest relief* could help the companies while it doesn't kill the little guys.

I still think something is wrong when a CEO gets an $8billion bonus right before this happens.............

I'm also glad that it's not just one party - it makes me feel that the congress is actually listening/working for us.

Bottom line is that the parties need to unite and find the best answer together when things like this come up - maybe that's actually working!


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